A Christmas Story House

Cleveland and the Cuyahoga River at night.

Just for fun and giggles, M and I went to Cleveland last night.  We picked up M the Younger and Merdi on our way up and we all toured A Christmas Story House, had dinner at Sokolowskis, and took the Silver Bells Plus Tour on Lolly the Trolley.


If you’re unfamiliar with the film A Christmas Story, I don’t suppose this post (especially the photos and quotes) will mean much to you.  To be honest, it’s been more than a few years since I last watched the movie.  That’s because we don’t have cable television and aren’t subjected to gifted with the 24-hour marathon session of the movie every Christmas.

Walking up to the porch

I’m not sure you have to be entirely familiar with the film to enjoy the tour.  One of our group has never seen the movie.  I think that will be remedied soon.  She seemed to enjoy the tour anyhow, although I suppose a lot was lost without the translation of the film to put it in perspective.

Merdi will now have background knowledge about the movie that none of the rest of our group had when we first saw it.  That’s a bonus, don’t you think?

"Only one thing in the world could've dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window." A hand from the tour group ahead of us reaches out to touch the leg lamp. (Snow effect added in Picnik.)

It was snowing when we arrived at the house.  None of the snow that fell throughout the day was visible on the ground.  I suppose all the rain water continues to soak up those snowflakes as soon as they touch the earth.

"What is a lamp, you nincompoop? It's a Major Award. I won it!"

I would give away some of the inside scoop we were told by our tour guide, but that seems unfair.  I know I have a few visitors to my blog who might tour the house someday and I don’t want to spoil it for them.

"Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian."

I suppose there might be better ways to spend a Friday evening in December, but I thought it was fun.  It also gave me the opportunity to warn my daughter-in-law that as part of this family she might be subjected to craziness like this once in a while.

Dinner at Sokolowskis was good.  Very filling, very Polish and Eastern European food.  Established in 1923, Sokolowskis University Inn is one of Cleveland’s oldest family owned and operated restaurants.  We met up with friends there so we had the bonus of their company throughout our evening meal.

"Immediately, my feet began to sweat as those two fluffy little bunnies with a blue button eye stared up at me."

I had the pierogie dinner.  It was delicious and very comforting in that carbohydrate-heavy way.  Thank goodness M the Younger was seated near me.  He’s tall, skinny, and has a metabolism that seems to be in overdrive which allowed him to finish my dinner after he finished his own.

"Over the years I got to be quite a connoisseur of soap. My personal preference was for Lux, but I found Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heady, but with just a touch of mellow smoothness. Life Buoy, on the other hand... YECCHH!"

The Lolly the Trolley tour was interesting, although we have a friend who gives better tours.  At least his car windows don’t steam up.  I spent a good deal of the tour wiping the plastic window with the cloth provided.  I did find it fun, and really enjoyed seeing the lights decorating Public Square.  I’d like to go back to Public Square after we’ve had a decent snowfall and walk around to take some photos.  It was impossible to take photos from Lolly the Trolley (fogged up and scratched plastic windows).  Occupy Cleveland, we saw, is still in place.  It must be cold, even inside the tents.

All in all, it was a fun evening.  We took a walk down to look at the Cuyahoga River after our trolley tour and then made the trek (by automobile) home.  It was cold and windy by the river, the ground starting to freeze up and become a little treacherous.  By the time we arrived home the sky was clearing and the almost-full moon was shining so bright that I could easily see the light dusting of snow we’d had.

This morning's view of the pond

It’s been cold here in the Bogs today.  The temperature never made it out of the 20s, but the sun was shining and the sky was a lovely clear blue.  I went out for a walk this afternoon and took photos of some of the patterns that are forming in the ice that’s beginning to appear along the edges of the pond and the creek in the woods.  I’m running late with my blog post today so I’ll bring you some of those tomorrow.

A dusting of snow on fungi

Thank you for stopping by the Bogs today.  I hope your weekend started out with as much fun and good company as mine did.  Stay warm.  🙂

38 Comments on “A Christmas Story House”

  1. Ah, the major award lamp. Thanks for the tour – interesting. Loved the pond picture – very crisp.

  2. Kel says:

    that looks like fun
    how much of a drive is it to get to the city from your place?

    • Robin says:

      It’s about 45 minutes to an hour, Kel. It depends on the weather, the traffic, and the construction. Road construction, no matter the time of year, is usually the biggest hold-up. It’s worth braving any of those elements. M and I have been trying to get up there more often in an effort to get to know the area in which we live better.

  3. Can you hear me, clapping with glee? I LOVE that movie, and seeing the house is just too cool!
    Thanks for taking us along!

    The mushroom photo is great, too…impossible to know for sure, but they look like winter oysters. Are they growing on an old maple tree, by chance?

    • Robin says:

      lol, Marie! I’m glad you enjoyed the tour. 🙂

      The mushrooms are growing on the stump of an elm tree (we had to have all our elms cut down a few years ago due to Dutch Elm disease).

  4. It must have been so much fun to tour that house – I didn’t know that such a tour existed! I have seen that movie so many times, I’ve lost count – but it’s a tradition for our family to keep it on TV all Christmas Day! Thanks for sharing some photos of the house!

  5. Dana says:

    I must be one of the few people who hasn’t seen the movie… [hides head in shame] That said, the photos were lovely! (No surprise that my favourite one was the mushroom shot at the end– something I recognize!)

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Dana. 🙂

      I would imagine there are a lot of people who haven’t seen A Christmas Story. I think you might like it. It’s fun and funny.

  6. Corina says:

    Sounds like a very fun outing, Robin! I love the movie…it’s one of my top five favorite Christmas movies. I have the dvd. Have not seen it yet this season but that might be my pick tonight. Two nights ago I watch It’s A Wonderful Life twice in the same night so tonight, maybe it will be A Christmas Story twice!

    Thanks for the pictures and the narration!

    • Robin says:

      You’re welcome, Corina. I’m glad you enjoyed the tour. 🙂

      I need to get my hands on a copy of the movie. It’s been a long time since I last saw it.

  7. Ellen says:

    Thanks for the tour!! it was fun!!
    And beautiful pictures too!!

  8. Clearly one of the reasons Dana (above) is one of my favorite bloggers–neither of us has seen the film. Gotta love the leg lamp!

    • Robin says:

      I think you and Dana would really enjoy the movie, Kathy M. Lots of humor. Have you heard of Jean Shepherd? The movie is based on one of his stories. I used to listen to his radio show when I was a kid.

  9. Kathy says:

    I’ve never seen the movie, but really did enjoy the tour! I love the snow on the fungi, too. Soft and appealing…

  10. Marcie says:

    What fun!! Love the little tour here..and the snow and the warm light – wonderful!!

  11. Karma says:

    Thank you so much for the tour! My girls and I watch the movie every year and quote it regularly. Every time we see the word “fragile” we say “fra-gee-lay!”

  12. What a fun post! I love the movie, it reminds me of growing up in the 50’s and especially of my two older brothers. I remember the head to toe snowsuits, and the kids’ world that existed then. Now I am going to have to visit that house! Thanks for the tour, Robin.

  13. An addendum – the movie is based on a chapter from wonderful book by Jean Shepherd “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash” So if your inclination is towards books rather than movies, it is a great read. Mr. Shepherd is the narrator in the movie, and was well known for his radio show.

    • Robin says:

      I used to listen to his radio show when I was a kid, Lynn. I’ve read a few of his books, too, a long, long time ago.

      Glad you enjoyed the tour. 🙂

  14. Have to admit to it being lost on me.. as I’m not entirely sure I’ve ever seen the film either, but from your shots it sure looks like it was an interesting day…

  15. Cmsmith says:

    We used to have an old Ivory soap bar like that one. I’m not sure what happened to it. There’s only so much you can take with you in this life, I suppose. Sounds like you had a good trip. I’m getting antsy to go on the road again. It will have to wait a while, I’m afraid. Mark has knee replacement surgery scheduled in January.

    • Robin says:

      Sorry you’re grounded at home for a while, Christine. Time goes by so quickly, though, that I’m sure you’ll be on the road again before you know it. 🙂

  16. ElizOF says:

    That fungi shot was amazing! 🙂

  17. How FUN!!!
    We’ve seen this movie many times, it’s hubby’s favorite Christmas movie. We’ll be in Indiana this summer, and will have to try and make it to Cleveland.

  18. TBM says:

    What a fun tour! That is one of my favorite Christmas movies and I watch it every year. Thanks for letting me know that I need to add this to my list of things to do.

  19. nigel says:

    I’ve never seen it and my American wife doesn’t seem to be too keen on it. So, I’ll try and watch it this Christmas 😀 HA HA HA.

  20. aFrankAngle says:

    A perfect addition to the party. Many thanks … We haven’t been here yet, but I can see us working it in during a future trip to Cleveland.

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