Spectral morning



Last night while I was sleeping the pond, the woods, and the meadows disappeared into mystical, magical fog, altering the landscape and moving the boundaries.  When I walked around the pond and into the woods this morning, I, too, vanished into the mist, wandering in a world that was familiarly unfamiliar.

Trees in the mist

Trees in the mist

The fog was where I wanted to be.  Halfway down the path you can’t see this house.  You’d never know it was here.  Or any of the other places down the avenue.  I couldn’t see but a few feet ahead.  I didn’t meet a soul.  Everything looked and sounded unreal.  Nothing was what it is.  That’s what I wanted — to be alone with myself in another world where truth is untrue and life can hide from itself.

~ Eugene O’Neill

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M and I first encountered the fog last night on our way home from Columbus where we’d gone to watch our oldest granddaughter perform in a Christmas dance recital.  (She was beautiful and fabulous, as usual.)  The farther we moved from the city, the thicker the fog became.

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The unusual thing about the fog was that it didn’t effect visibility on the road itself.  We could see the road and the traffic in both directions just fine.  The fog seemed to start or stop just along the side of the road so that it appeared as if nothing else existed except for the highway and the traffic.  What may or may not have resided on either side of the road was a mystery.

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How was your weekend?  Did you do anything special?  Did you wake up to magic this morning, too?

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The real magic for me, of course, was visiting with my granddaughters.  It was a short visit, but any visit is a good one.

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I enter the world called real as one enters a mist.

~ Julien Green

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I have some photos from the weekend I’ll share with you soon.  We took a walk at the Franklin Park Conservatory yesterday morning.  I got a few shots of flowers, a few of the Chihuly glass, and some  from their current exhibit, Sacrifice + Bliss:  Aurora Robson.  Robson created some amazing pieces using discarded materials.  I thought the first one I saw was a new Chihuly work until I read the sign.

An eye in the woods

An eye in the woods

Well, I reckon that’s it from the Bogs for now.  Thanks for visiting and walking through the fog with me.

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I hope you had a fantastic weekend, and that the new week has started out well.

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I’ll leave you with a few more images from this morning’s walk.  Have a delightful day, evening, night… wherever and whenever you are on the spectrum of time.

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Today's view of the pond

Today’s view of the pond

Birch in the mist

Birch in the mist



25 Comments on “Spectral morning”

  1. Trees In The Mist was hanging in there as my favorite until I saw Droplets. So I shall just have numerous favorites of this post!

  2. mobius faith says:

    Wonderful shots. My kind of weather. Unfortunately I didn’t get out at all this morning. Beautiful images!!!

  3. Wow! I’m with Colleen. How does one pick a favorite among these? LOVE the mood in these. And a great title–how appropriate.

  4. I love how you edited these shots to get the perfect tones and mood.

  5. aFrankAngle says:

    For whatever reason, I like fog … well, unless I’m driving in it, or it delays a flight, .or obstructs a view for a long period of time. It’s interesting to watch the fog bank roll into San Francisco. Thanks for the mystical pics!

  6. Oh my, these pictures take my breath away… How strange for the fog to stay off the road – I’ve never encountered that phenomenon before. It’s been cloudy with “snow-light” here, although we’re getting rain even if it looks like it is about to snow. I love the mysterious soft mood it creates.

  7. munchow says:

    Such beautiful mystery and moody landscape pictures. The fog and the darkness really make the so different and stand out. Really breathtaking. My two favourites are the first one and number nine from the top. But they are all so good and vibrant in a slow burning way.

  8. Coming East says:

    Great fog pictures, Robin. I love the magical nature of fog. Glad you had such a nice weekend being with the kids.

  9. hannekekoop says:

    Very beautiful, Robin.

  10. Sallyann says:

    curious … do you have a clearing in the middle of your woods for fairies and goblins to dance the night away ? 🙂

  11. Dana says:

    Amazing photos, Robin. Some of my favourite landscape shots of all time are ones that are enveloped in fog and mist. The fog makes everything look more magical, doesn’t it?

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