Spring Cleaning

Behind the waterfall. Cleveland Botanical Garden.

You may or may not have noticed that I took the weekend off.  (I’m not counting the scheduled post because it was scheduled.)  I’m going to be doing that from now on unless something so exciting happens that I absolutely must blog about it right away.  Most of today’s photos are from Orchid Mania.  I’m still sorting through them all.

I enjoyed the time off from my blog.  Because I didn’t have to make my blog company-ready (tidying up the place, putting out the good dishes, etc.), I had time to start catching up with those of you in my blog neighborhood.  I don’t think it’s possible to ever be truly caught up, but I think this method will help me stay in touch without spending too much of my life sitting at the computer.

Lots of things went on outside of the blogosphere, too.  On Friday evening, M and I went to Kent Stage where The Psychedelic Furs gave a concert.  It was fun.  Very 1980s.  I’m not too familiar with them or their music (I was too busy in the 80s to keep up with the music although I wasn’t completely out of touch).  One of the best parts of the concert was the guy across the aisle from me who was acting as if he’d never been to a concert.  He was so full of excitement that I thought he might burst with the joy of it all.  Given his possible age (I’m guessing mid- to upper-30s), he’s probably been to a concert or two, but he’s got something good going there.  Seeing and hearing something as if for the first time can be quite a joyful experience.  It’s something I should practice from time to time.

On Saturday M and I teamed up for a couple of projects.  We spent a good part of the morning chipping and shredding.  It was a gray and chilly day (near 40 degrees).  With trees that need pruning, thinned, or cut up because they’re dead or had to be cut down, we have plenty of chipping and shredding work to be done.  You might think chipping and shredding is fairly easy work.  Insert branches and twigs into the chipper/shredder and let it do the work.  But after ten or so minutes of this easy work, I was sweating and ready to get rid of a layer or two.  So long chilliness.  Hello hard work.  We would fill up the wheelbarrow with the resulting mulch which I took to the woods and shoveled out on the pathways.  My daily walks are making grooves in the woods.  I’m hoping the mulch will help.  I kind of like it.  It lends a little order to the wildness of our woods.  I’m sure there will come a day when I’ll decide I don’t like it as it takes away from the wildness of the woods.  Funny how opinions about such things swing back and forth.

Our other project was dinner.  We teamed up to make Barley-Stuffed Poblanos.  We altered the recipe to suit our tastes (adding more spices for one thing), and went easy with the cheese so we could use full-fat cheese with full-fat flavor.  As an occasional reader and subscriber to Cooking Light, that’s one lesson I learned well.  A little of something tasty and rich will go a long way and taste so much better than the fat-free and low-fat alternatives (which might have added salt or sugar to make up for the lower fat content).  Since I am not yet ready to give up cheese, I go for strong cheeses that don’t require much to have a big impact.

I’ve also been spring cleaning this weekend.  Some of it is taking place on the computer, clearing out old photos, making sure the stuff I want to keep is backed up, and trying to decide what to do with it all.  I’m thinking about starting another blog (yikes!) for the purpose of posting photos from my archives which I will eventually have made into a book of some kind.  At least that way we’ll have prints and a tangible way to sit and look back on past experiences.  Having prints made and putting together photo albums like the good old days isn’t working out (because we don’t do it!).  Perhaps gathering things together digitally to begin with will help.

Yesterday M and I went for a short hike (2.5 miles) on a relatively new rail trail that crosses Berlin Lake in Portage County.  It was one of those if-y kind of days with a mostly heavy cloud cover although the sun would peek out every now and then.  We also got rained on a bit, but not enough to be a bother.

Crossing Berlin Lake

That’s about it from the Bogs for today.  I’ll have a few more photos from the hike soon.  Thank you for stopping by.  And another big thank you to those who have nominated me for some more blog awards.  I appreciate the honor and recognition, but I will have to take a pass on them.  I just don’t have the time to jump through all the hoops meet the requirements.

Détente. (Two male mallards resting after battling over a female.)

Morning dew on the pansies. As seen on this morning's walk.

46 Comments on “Spring Cleaning”

  1. Wow, you had a busy weekend, Robin! And you accomplished a huge amount. Good for you! Your orchid photos continue to be beautiful. Hope you are enjoying your Monday.

  2. Time off is so good for the mind.. Doesn’t someone having a blast make the experience more fun for everyone there:) xo Smidge

  3. Dana says:

    It sounds like your weekend was jam-packed, Robin! As Kathy said above, these orchid photos are stunning and will never get old.

    Taking weekends off of blogging is a great idea, too. I wish *everyone* I subscribed to would make the same commitment so there would be less catching up to do all around. Wishful thinking, maybe… 🙂

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Dana. 🙂

      I know what you mean. I’m hoping to start a trend. After all that Post A Day stuff, perhaps we can start a new Post When You Feel Like it fad. Many of the people I follow post daily (and a few post several times a day), and it’s just too much for me.

  4. dadirri7 says:

    totally enjoyable visit to the bogs, thank you robin 🙂 i guess we all have the same issues with digital images, what to keep, where to store them, whether to make books … i like using the blog photo challenges to go through my travel images, helps me remember and sort it all 🙂

    • Robin says:

      You’re welcome, Christine. And thank you. 🙂

      Using old images for the photo challenges is a good idea. I might start doing that.

  5. jane tims says:

    Hi. I love the waterfall. I thought it was small until I saw the platforms behind it. Looks like an interesting space to explore. Jane

  6. bearyweather says:

    I have been spring cleaning a bit on my computer and blogs, too. I did start a new one for photos … we will see if I can keep up on it all. Love your soggy pansy … can hardly wait for it to be safe temperature wise to plant some flowers here.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Bearyweather. 🙂

      That’s why I hesitate to start another blog — not sure I’ll keep it up. I did get one set up, but haven’t posted anything yet. We’ll see.

  7. Beautiful photos as always! The top waterfall one is lovely!

  8. jeanne says:

    First…the pictures are incredible. I would love to visit!
    Second…I took the weekend off as well…regular breaks from the everyday is good for the soul.
    Finally…what a great idea to put your photographs in a book, put me down for a couple of copies.

  9. Beautiful photos as always, Robin! I am a big fan of cheese too and of Cooking Light! That sounds like good advice about small amounts of the full-fat version! I like that idea!! 🙂

  10. Joanne says:

    You managed to pack a lot into your weekend off from the computer Robin. I can’t stay at the computer for too long in one sitting , or else I get drowsy and start yawning! I think it’s something to do with looking at the computer screen for too long.

    The possible new blog sounds like a great idea, almost like another back-up for some old photos. I never tire of seeing your beautiful photos Robin. Today’s orchids are just as gorgeous as the others and would look amazing if added all together in the one place, maybe as a slide show. Really, the possibilities would be endless for a photo blog. 🙂

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Joanne. 🙂

      Unfortunately, I’m capable of sitting at the computer for hours and then realizing I wasted away much of the day. It’s not very good for my back, either. Having learned that, I schedule my computer time and set time limits to make sure I get up, move, and don’t spend too much time here. That’s one of my worries with taking on another blog. I’m not sure I want to increase my time at the computer, something that would be necessary in the beginning at least.

  11. ladyfi says:

    Oh wow – what gorgeous shots!

  12. giselzitrone says:

    Wünsche einen guten Morgen was für ein schönes Bild,richtig freundlich hab noch einen schönen Tag Gislinde.

  13. aFrankAngle says:

    Wow … what a busy weekend! And you started my day with something I didn’t expect … The Psychedelic Furs!

    • Robin says:

      I didn’t expect The Psychedelic Furs either, Frank. lol! We had tickets for something else (Max Weinberg, who canceled due to illness months ago), and waited quite a while to exchange them. The Psychedelic Furs came up in the schedule and looked like fun so a week or so before the concert we stopped by Kent Stage, they kindly exchanged the tickets with no hassle, and the next thing you know we were having a good time. 🙂

  14. Kathy says:

    Good morning, Ms. Robin. I like your idea of taking weekends off the computer. Since last week I have been spending much less time on the computer–and not posting everyday–and am feeling very light and relaxed. Funny, like you said, how our opinions and needs and desires change. One minute (or four years) we’re blog-crazy and then suddenly it’s still cool, but there’s no longer the need to do it so intensely. Love the way your words and photos dance together.

    • Robin says:

      Good morning, Ms. Kathy, thank you, and a happy Wednesday to you!

      Weekends off are just the beginning, methinks. But it’s a start. 🙂

  15. TBM says:

    Good for you for taking the weekends off! Loved the photos and I hope you enjoy many more wonderful weekends.

  16. Gracie says:

    Sounds like you had a busy weekend. But I love the colorful post. It makes me want to go back to the Botanical garden for some more photos.

  17. Crossing Berlin lake pix makes me want to just run down that road.
    That first one with the waterfall – it’s hard to tell if it’s water going down or some sort of light beaming up – mysterious? Sci fi?

  18. niasunset says:

    WOW! These are amazing photographs… Fascinated me all of them. Thank you dear Robin, with my love, nia

  19. I simply MUST put the Cleveland Botanical Gardens on my list of places to visit… looks like such a peaceful place to spend an afternoon.

    • Robin says:

      It’s small, Michaela, but very nice. Add the Holden Arboretum to your list and you’ll have a full day of peaceful and lovely. 🙂

  20. I had to laugh at the part about the guy at the concert – it made me think of Phoebe from Friends on the episode where she ran so stupidly for the sheer joy of it! And I am still laughing at both images, though it is paining me a lot. They do say that laughter is the best medicine! Thanks, Doctor Robin!
    (and all of the photos are Da Bomb!)

  21. dragonfae says:

    Love the waterfall pics! 🙂

  22. CMSmith says:

    That’s a great idea to collect your photos into a book, but how will you ever decide? You have so many beautiful photos.

    You could consider using CreateSpace. You don’t have to make your book available for sale, but you could if you wanted to.

    • CMSmith says:

      This darn iPad. I’m working in a moving vehicle. . .beautiful . . .your photos are beautiful.

      • Robin says:

        I fixed it, Christine. 🙂

        That’s the problem with trying to put together a collection. It’s not a matter of aesthetics in the case of putting together a private book, but memories. When it comes to sorting those out, I have a really difficult time of it. That’s especially true when it comes to my granddaughters. I can’t delete even the blurriest, worst picture because even the blurriest, worst picture is, to me, wonderful based on the fact that includes my grandchildren.

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