I wish I was better at commenting

Brady’s Run

During my very brief break I attempted to get caught up with, well, everything.  Everything includes the blogs I follow.  And I noticed something about my comments when I visit you at your place.  Perhaps you noticed it, too.

I am terrible at commenting.  Not always.  Once in a while I can come up with the words to express how I feel about what I read or what I saw.  I even manage to ramble occasionally.  Or babble.  It all depends on how you look at it.

But sometimes a post will be so wonderful, in words and/or images, that I’m awed and speechless.  So I stutter my way through a comment and leave feeling as if that was the worst comment in the history of blog commenting.  Granted, there’s not a long history of blog commenting.  But still.  It makes me wish WordPress would come up with a way for us to edit our own comments on the blogs we visit.  It’s bad enough I can’t edit my typos.  It’s worse when hours later I come up with something better than the lame comment I left behind to show I was there and that I appreciate your post in some way, shape, or form.  One solution might be to wait until hours later to comment, but that’s usually 3:00 in the morning and it is pretty unlikely I would get out of bed, make my way downstairs, power up the computer, and coherently type a comment.

Many of you are awesome at commenting.  You are the Super Talented Blog Commenters, ready to respond to all blog posts at a single glance with something pithy and witty.  It makes me wonder…  Are you good at small talk?  Not that comments are necessarily small talk.  It depends on the blog post.  Perhaps small talk is not what I mean at all.  Discourse.  That’s it.  Are you adept at the art of discourse?  And how do you feel about your comments?  Do you feel you’re good at leaving comments/responses?

Eager to please

I’m not.  In my eagerness to comment, to let you know that I was here, I read, I looked, I admired and applauded your post, I do the writing (commenting) equivalent of stumbling over my words.

Somebody that I used to know

That brings me to the Like Button.  Oh, how I disliked the Like Button at first, and oh, how I like it now.  Some of you receive so many comments that I often feel I have nothing original to add to the conversation.  Isn’t that what blogging and the comments are all about?  A conversation?  A world-wide wonder-filled interchange of thoughts, ideas, images, and yes, even small talk?

The sun rises

The Like button allows me (and you) to let people know I dropped by.  To me, it’s a Visiting Card (aka Calling Card), and the blogosphere is still working out the etiquette on that one.  I know there are some folks who don’t like the Like button.  I understand that.  It’s too easy to drop in, click Like, and move on without reading the post or really looking at the images.  I’m sure there are people who do that.  I’m not one of them.

And brings with it the most amazing light

Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system…

Most of the photos in this post are from a few days ago.  There was no sunrise to speak of today.  I’m sure it did rise.  I just didn’t see it.  It’s been raining on and off since last night.  Gorgeous, wet, beautiful rain.

Chick, chick, chicory

It’s expected to rain on and off through tomorrow night.  You will not hear any complaints from me about it.  I doubt the earth around here will complain about it either.  It’s nice to finally get a good soaking.

Somewhere in the neighborhood

M and I have entered the world of auto insurance claims this week.  Our (one and only) car was in an accident in Virginia (nobody was hurt).  Last Saturday, some guy rear-ended it hard enough that it cannot be driven.  So the poor, faithful and good, car sits in a repair shop in Virginia waiting for the insurance companies (who are apparently in no hurry) to decide liability (we already know The Other Driver who rear-ended the car was at fault, and he was ticketed to prove it).  In the meantime, The Other Driver’s insurance company will have to deal with rental car charges on top of damages.  We may have hotel charges to go with it since someone has to go out there and pick up the car once it’s repaired.  (In case you’re wondering when we went to Virginia, we didn’t, and since the driver of our car borrowed it and was not at fault in regards to the accident, we’ll keep that person out of it.)

Today’s rain in the meadow image, taken during a downpour that caught Bo and I out for an afternoon walk.

That’s about it from the Bogs.  It’s enough, I think.  Thank you for stopping by on this rainy day.  I’ve been cooking today, and made some wonderful borscht which I’ll be serving chilled.  We can sit out on the porch, sheltered from the rain, and enjoy the cold soup on this somewhat muggy day while we watch the rain fall on the pond.

Have a delightful weekend!

65 Comments on “I wish I was better at commenting”

  1. I understand perfectly your dilemma about comments, Robin. I often read the comments before I comment and I feel if I’m not going to give a value-added comment, then what’s the point? So I push “like,” which I agree is like a calling card, to say I stopped by to visit and enjoyed myself! But I’m not good at commenting either; neither am I good at small talk. Maybe the two do go hand in hand. Some people always have interesting things to say and if I don’t, then I figure I just better keep quiet!! I hope people aren’t offended when I just “like” and move on!! Because honestly, if I don’t truly “like” something that I read or photos that I see, I usually don’t click “like.” However, that being said, right now b/c I’m on vacation, I’m so far behind in visiting blogs, that I hope people don’t think I’ve forgotten them. Hopefully our big blogging community is understanding and patient!! Anyway, it’s a great post because you brought up something I’m sure all of us think about… 🙂

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Cathy, for your take on commenting and using the Like button. I know I certainly understand when my blogmates are on vacation and can’t keep up. I’m not even on vacation and I can’t keep up. lol!

      • That’s the truth, Robin! I don’t have as many comments as you do, I’m sure, but I still can’t keep up either. And I want to read everyone’s posts, but I can barely keep up with those either….

  2. Chatter Master says:

    Well, first, I appreciate everyone’s comments. I know most of us have many blogs we read on a regular basis. So anyone taking time to comment is appreciated. And I do the same thing you do, I see so many comments on some posts that I know I can’t say anything new or better. So I often “like” a post. But I never “like” a post unless I do, like it, that is. 🙂 I think you are fine commenter!

    Not to mention, you are an incredible vision sharing blogger!

  3. Sallyann says:

    I’ve read the two comments before me and thought “what can I possibly add ?” this does happen a lot as I’m not usually in the first round of comments. I sometimes just use the like button, but that doesn’t happen very often because I waffle on about anything and everything all the time so very seldom have nothing to say.
    It would be good if WordPress did something similar to facebook, and allowed us to click like against comments we liked.
    Alternatively, if all else fails, I leave a smile. 🙂

    • Robin says:

      I am never in the first round of comments lately, Sallyann. I’m usually about a week behind. I like the idea of a like for comments. I’ve seen some great comments that deserve to be “liked.”

      A smile is a wonderful thing to leave. 🙂

  4. Pat Bean says:

    Sometimes I don’t even have time to hit the like button, even though I really like. So consider your post always liked, even if I didn’t say so.

  5. dadirri7 says:

    i have the same inadequate feelings about commenting, and i marvel at those who always have something original and enthusiastic to offer, when mostly i am struggling to find an alternative word to ‘beautiful’ because that is what i feel about many of lovely blogs i visit, they are beautiful, the beauty of the blogger shines through, so I press like, and write “oh that is so beautiful” and wish there were more words at the tip of my fingers 🙂 thanks for raising the subject robin!

    • Robin says:

      You wouldn’t believe how many times I visit Thesaurus.com to find an alternative word to “beautiful,” Christine. lol! I still end up resorting to “beautiful” or “wonderful.” Sometimes “wow” and “amazing.” After doing that a few times recently, I felt like my comments weren’t coming across as sincere even though they were.

      Thanks for joining in the conversation. I appreciate it. 🙂

  6. Christine Grote says:

    I’ve never noticed that your comments have been particularly better or worse than anyone else’s. I read you as sincere. That counts a lot for me.
    I continue to struggle with commenting on, reading, and even writing blogs at times. I don’t know if this will be a long term activity for me or not, but it’s people like you that I would miss if I stopped. That keeps me going.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Christine. I do have that going for me — I am sincere in my comments. I wouldn’t say it, or write it, if I don’t mean it.

      Writing blog posts seems to come easy to me now. There was a time when I struggled with it. Lately I’ve had several posts sketched out, and have had to make up my mind which one I want to use. I can’t figure out if that’s good or bad. lol!

  7. Robin, I enjoy and value your comments! I also enjoy so many posts of so many bloggers… but usually just try to bumble my way through trying to express my appreciation. I’m always amazed by people who can write short, articulate comments…I simply don’t have a clue how to do that. I often use the “like” button if I really enjoy a post but just can’t find words to express it. Your photos often just bring an oooohhhhh or an ahhhhhhh from me….exactly what I say as I look at them, but not exactly “articulate.”
    What a wonderful downpour you had today!

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Kathy (PP). Those people who write short, articulate comments amaze and impress me, too. It’s something I aspire to, but I suspect the talent just isn’t there. I either ramble on and on or can’t come up with more than an “ooooh” or “aaaah.” But it’s good to know that people are okay with that. 🙂

  8. mobius faith says:

    No worries. I never count on comments myself. I enjoy them when they show up but I would never want someone to feel obligated to comment on my posts. I blog for the sheer pleasure of posting stuff and creating a record for myself. A way to throw out ideas and see if anyone wants to add to them. I follow and comment on other blogs only when I feel like it. Many times I’ll just click the “like” button to let people know I stopped by for a friendly visit. So don’t feel too bad. Just keep it fun – not an obligation. After all I don’t think any of us are getting paid to blog. 🙂 If they are getting paid I’d like to know how. LOL 😉

    And yes that was a wonderful downpour this morning. I was hiking Kendall Ledges when it hit and looked more like drowned road-kill by time I got back to the car. Hahahaha.

    • Robin says:

      I wish I could get paid for this, Terry! I hear there are some people who actually manage to make a living from blogging, but I don’t know what their secret is other than selling e-books on how to make a living by blogging. LOL!

      Fun is pretty much how I keep it. I blog for some of the same reasons that you do. It started as a way of keeping a record of travels, and a way to keep family and friends up to date when we spent almost a year living elsewhere. Ironically, most of my family and friends don’t read the blog and I end up having to repeat everything in emails anyhow. That’s okay. I’ve made some new friends via blogging. 🙂

      I don’t think I’ve hiked Kendall Ledges yet. Looks like a good place to visit in the fall.

  9. Ellen says:

    I would have written exactly what you wrote because that`s the way I feel about commenting and about the like button. You are not alone!!!

  10. I know how you feel….I’m not very good with words and often don’t have much more to say than “beautiful!”…maybe in a couple of more words 😉 …although there’s so much more in my head that I WANT to say, but the fingers just don’t know how to type it.
    As for comments ON my blogs, I appreciate every single reader who takes the time to comment. They deserve a big virtual hug ♥
    I’m not very fond of the Like button either, BUT, if one of my readers like my post, and don’t want to comment for whatever reason, I’d rather get a Like than just have them leave, ya know? And because of my not-so-fondness of the Like Button you will probably never get a Like from me and just be stuck with some lame, unoriginal comment 😉

  11. I’m always glad when you stop by!

    PS, great shots!!! You are who I point to when someone says they need a big dslr to take great pics!

  12. paul davis says:

    Those were pretty articulate comments, coming from an inarticulate commenter.

  13. Libby says:

    I know just how you feel, sometimes I leave again without comment as I can’t think of the words to express what I feel!

    • Robin says:

      I know what you mean, Libby. I’ve done the same thing. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say. I’m so glad to find out I’m not the only one. 🙂

  14. I also struggle with what to say when commenting on a blog . Your blog, Robin, often leaves me speechless. The photos frequently create feelings in me that I can’t adequately describe in words. So, I just enjoy the positive feelings, leave my “Like” calling card and go on about my day feeling happier and more in love with the joys of nature than I otherwise would have. 🙂

  15. Val says:

    Robin, you’re a great commenter. Here’s an example of just one of yours that’s brill. (Brill=brilliant. One of my husband’s favourite words that I adopted a long while ago!)

    I think the main thing about commenting is to pick a day and time when something pops into your head – particularly with an association to the post’s content. My posts are possibly easier to answer than most as I ask questions and people generally can find something they’d like to say, also there’s always a unique angle to each person’s comment as it’s coming from their own experiences.

    I like comments but don’t mind if people occasionally click the like button instead. I do that myself when I am stuck for words or am short on time or energy. What bugs me is when people do that all the time and never comment at all.

    As for the thing (mentioned by people above, too) of seeing comments that have been made earlier and feeling that there’s nothing new to say. There is always something new to say because you’re saying it in your own words, nobody else’s. It’s coming from you, a unique individual and it can’t be said like anyone else as you’re not anyone else. 🙂

    Now, about that photo of ripples in water… I adore it! I don’t have a huge amount to say about it other than that, just that I adore it. 🙂

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Val. I’ve discovered, via this post, that having a huge amount to say about a post or image is not a requirement and nobody seems to mind if you say what you think or feel in a few words. I think that’s grand. And brill. 🙂

      I spent a summer living in London so both fab and brill are words I’m familiar with and use on occasion simply because they ARE fab and brill words so who wouldn’t use them?

      I find your posts easy to comment on, whether it was your old or your new blog. There’s always something that prompts a response, making it easily interactive. In fact, it’s like having a conversation with someone who knows how to draw people out and get them talking. I always appreciate that when I visit your blog because I tend to be on the shy side. I know. It’s hard to believe. But it’s true. 😉

      • Val says:

        Not hard to believe as I’m the same. I’ve always been shy, but have learnt over the years how to cover it up (and how to overcome parts of it). 🙂

  16. Marianne says:

    Robin, I agree with everything that’s been said already. You are a great commenter. It’s just your mind trying to find something wrong. It’s not reality, so don’t believe it. From my experience, I have found that all of our challenges come from the mind and they are definitely universal. Everyone has the same challenges with the mind to greater or lesser degrees. The great news for me is that it’s not personal. It’s so validating that everyone has the same challenges with the mind. Many times I forget this though. Many times I take the mind personally and that’s when it takes me out of positive vibes. When things are peaceful for me, the mind will step in to stir things up. It’s so funny.

    I love what you said about blogging and commenting, “A world-wide wonder-filled interchange of thoughts, ideas, images, and yes, even small talk?”

    I think it’s so true, Robin. I just wish I had more time in my day for blogging and commenting. I’ll have to figure out a way to get paid. lol!

    Thank you for the thought provoking post, Robin and for the beauty in photos (as always).

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Marianne. And you are so right about the workings of the mind/ego. It does help to know it’s a universal challenge. Thank you for that reminder. 🙂

  17. ladyfi says:

    Wow – your photos are magical – as usual! Love that last one the most.

    I hear you about commenting.. It’s not always easy to be fresh, original or witty.

  18. Corina says:

    Any comment is a good comment, because it lets me know that you were at my blog and you read what I wrote. That’s what is good about the LIKE button here. It lets us do just that, let the blogger know that we read what they wrote. Blogging can be very lonely and when no one comments, yet you see page views in the stats, it’s often disheartening but when someone clicks on that LIKE button, even if they don’t leave a comment, I know someone is reading what I write.

    I’m sorry about your car. Insurance companies are such a pain to deal with. I really hate them. They are, however, a necessary evil.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Corina. I agree with you. Any comment is a good comment. Unless it comes from a troll, but I’ve been lucky in that I haven’t had to endure too many remarks from trolls. (I’m using “troll” in the internet slang sense of the word. I’ve never met a real troll and for all I know, they could be polite as well as interesting in their comments.)

      The insurance companies are currently trying to drive us insane, but M and I have taken a vow not to let that happen. It’s on their tab if we end up keeping this rental car for a very long time.

      • Corina says:

        Check your policy, Robin. Most insurance companies will limit the number of days they will pay for a rental. My own insurance tied my case up for four years because they were quibbling with me on the policy limits and whether I was entitled to reimbursement or not. And I was not at fault. I was rear-ended on the freeway but the driver was uninsured so my policy kicked in and they fought tooth and nail. I ended up having to get a new car in the meantime. I was never reimbursed fully for my out of pocket expenses or for my lost wages…but they had me wanting to settle because I had no money to fight them. I know in that case, my policy limited the rental reimbursement to fourteen days or something like that. So check your policy!!!

  19. I often don’t read others comments till after I’ve posted my own. It just muddles my brain too much and I’m not good with feeling overwhelmed by conversation. I think I’m pretty good at comments, however, not so good at mothering. so, there you have it, we each have our little or big talents in this world. Seriously, don’t fash yourself, as the Mennonites say!

    • Robin says:

      The Scots say that too, Joss, although I think it’s more along the lines of “dinna fash yerself.” I had no idea the Mennonites use that phrase too, which says a lot about how much I pay attention given that we have a large Mennonite population here. That might stem from being rudely treated by the weekly Mennonite visitors to the pharmacy where I used to work. It shocked me that they could be so rude as the Mennonites I’ve met from other communities were always friendly and polite.

      I probably shouldn’t read the other comments until after I’ve posted my own, but I started doing it because I’m generally so far behind these days that questions I might have are already answered in the comments.

      Thanks, Joss. I always appreciate your input. 🙂

  20. SolariC says:

    Your series of photos was beautiful! It makes me want to visit the place you can find images like that.

    On the subject of commenting…I wouldn’t worry about sounding incoherent. What’s nice for any blogger is just for someone to have an impression about what was written and to drop a line expressing that. Also, I’ve always found that even when I’m critical of the way I sound, most other people don’t even notice – so that probably holds true in the world of blog comments. I suspect other bloggers are happy and interested to read your comments and find them perfectly intelligible.

    • Robin says:

      Hi, SolariC. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! The photos are taken in my backyard. I think finding that kind of beauty isn’t nearly as hard as most people think. It’s just a matter of being in the present, in the place where you’re at. 🙂

      You’re right, at least where I’m concerned, about how I can be critical of myself whereas others don’t even notice. Judging from the comments on this post, it seems to be part of the human condition (well, for most of us — I’m sure there are others who are confident enough not to question their own remarks). Thanks for joining the conversation.

  21. JeniDancer says:

    Hi! I’m sorry about your car 😦

  22. Adela says:

    Yes, commenting is difficult, but oh so wonderful to receive. Like is great, but from a receiver end, I want to ask, “What did you like? Tell me more about you and why you came.”

    • Robin says:

      I can understand that, Adela. I find that to be especially true with my photos. I always appreciate it when someone points out what they liked (and even what they didn’t like), and it’s a wonderful bonus to learn more about the person who commented and what brought them here. I also enjoy learning about people a little at a time, through their comments and blog posts. 🙂

  23. Bo Mackison says:

    Any comment is a much appreciated comment. And I think your comments are great. I’m always pleased when you stop and take the time to leave a few words, a bit of your presence.

  24. tedgriffith says:

    I feel the same way, Robin. I often use the like button to let people know I stopped by and appreciated their blog. It seems that I have less and less time available, and for me at least, comments that I am able to coherently think out and get down take a huge amount of time. I love reading and and experiencing what others have shared, but feel totally inadequate to give significant feedback. I there with you. 😉 (did this make sense?)

    • Robin says:

      It made perfect sense to me, Ted. I’m the same way. I don’t rush through comments so it can take a while for me to put them in type, and boy, do I understand the sense of inadequacy!

      I always enjoy your comments, Ted. Just keep doing what you’re doing. 🙂

      (And in case it needs to be said, the same applies to everyone else who comments!)

  25. Looks like you have a plethora of comments to read here, already! 😉 I feel the same way… if I don’t have anything original to add, then I just click on “Like”. I know when someone does that on my blog, it was a way of them letting me know that they stopped by and checked out whatever I posted. I am definitely more of a visual person than a talker, so I always try to keep my words short (when I can, sometimes they just come busting out). It’s a good thing that this isn’t an audio blogging/commenting system, I would babble so much, I would scare everyone away (I am NOT good at speaking)!!

    So sorry about the car accident, I hope everything is handled quickly for you!!

    • Robin says:

      Thanks for weighing in on the subject, Holly. 🙂 I babble too when I have to speak. I’m not sure why. A part of my inner self hears the babbling and thinks, “Okay, you can shut up now. Why are you babbling on about that??” lol!

  26. Love the water shots in this post, you captured the reflections beautifully.
    I suffer from the same problem, I can come up with a decent comment if I have the time, but I rarely ever do, so I end up leaving a lame comment saying what I like about the post (see what I did here?). It may also be because English is not my mother tongue, so sometimes I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words. Still, I think a short comment is better than nothing, it lets me know that people enjoy my blog and appreciate the work I put into it, so you’re welcome to leave any comments you want there, I won’t judge, I promise :).

  27. Dana says:

    Well, Robin, this post really sums up everything I feel about my own blog comments! I wish I had words to express how deeply some of your photos move me, or a pithy phrase to summarize how much I enjoy the quotes you select for your posts. Alas. I usually end up saying things like “gorgeous!” or “marvellous!”, but really, it’s so much more than that. 🙂

  28. artsifrtsy says:

    I’m right there with you on commenting – I feel the need to say something – well – deep. Maybe a word or two would do as well as the profound thought that I just can’t come up with. My comment on the photos – Lush!

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Lorri. 🙂

      I struggle with finding the right words in comments, too. I’m pretty certain I overuse the words “beautiful” and “wonderful.” Perhaps I should start using a thesaurus. lol!

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