The Day of Idiosyncrasy

Frog at Creekside Park in Gahanna (Ohio)

Frog at Creekside Park in Gahanna (Ohio)

According to the authors of the book The Secret Language of Birthdays, December 7th is the Day of Idiosyncrasy.  Those born on this day are said to consider themselves different or peculiar or just plain weird.

Bridge over Walnut Creek

Bridge over Walnut Creek

That sounds about right to me.  I’ve always considered myself a little outside of the range of normal.  December 7th people are also drawn to others who are a little peculiar or outside of the range of the normal.  Because we’re cool that way.

Sculpture in Walnut Creek

Sculpture in Walnut Creek

The meditation for those of us born on this day (again, from The Secret Language of Birthdays) is:

You will meet yourself wherever you go.



Well, that seems a tad peculiar, doesn’t it?  Even so, I understand it.  Because I’m weird that way.  😉

Part of the Sacrifice & Bliss exhibit at the Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio.

Part of the Sacrifice & Bliss exhibit at the Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio.

The authors warn that people born on December 7 need to be careful that they don’t become too peculiar, especially as they age.  Since I am now another year older, I will be on guard for that propensity.  The health advice includes encouraging December 7th people to make “frequent trips to bucolic areas of restful, natural beauty.”  The fresh air, apparently, will encourage those of us born on this date to exercise more.  I can’t argue with that.  I always get some form of exercise when I go outside, even if it’s just a walk.

Hallway at the Franklin Park Conservatory.

Hallway at the Franklin Park Conservatory.

I don’t think it’s too peculiar that I would visit a conservatory and take photos of hallways and ceilings and stairways, pretty much avoiding the flowers.

Stairway and tables

Stairway and tables

You don’t think that’s odd, do you?

December 2012 023a

Just in case you might think it’s a strange thing to do, I did take one or two of the obligatory flower shots.  Just for you, and as a way of preserving myself from becoming too weird.

December 2012 026a

I’m kidding.  Not about the obligatory shots, but about any worries that people would think I’m odd.  I encourage that sort of thinking.  Without going overboard, I hope.  As for the flowers, I have a bazillion shots of flowers and don’t think I need to add a few hundred more to my collection.

December 2012 036a

I did like the hibiscus flowers, though, and couldn’t resist them.

Chihuly glass in an outdoor garden display

Chihuly glass in an outdoor garden display

The stairways and hallways were amazingly free of people last Sunday morning so it didn’t seem right not to take a few shots of them here and there.  I hadn’t really expected to take many photos at all, having visited the Franklin Park Conservatory on several occasions.  I wasn’t expecting anything too new or different.  I was there for a morning walk on a rainy day, and got in free because I am a member of the Cleveland Botanical Garden (a lot of the botanical gardens, conservatories, and arboretums have a reciprocal thing going on for their members).

Looking outside one of the conservatory windows on a rainy day

Looking outside one of the conservatory windows on a rainy day

It’s rainy here in the Bogs today.  I woke up during the night to the sound of rain and stayed awake for a while listening to it.  I don’t know why, but I find it a very soothing sound.  It eventually put me back to sleep.

Palm frond

Palm frond

That should do it from the Bogs for today.  The weekend will be filled with birthday celebrations, including a get-together with friends.  I’m looking forward to it.

Palm frond II

Palm frond II

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a delightful weekend!

Even rainy days can be beautiful

Even rainy days can be beautiful

27 Comments on “The Day of Idiosyncrasy”

  1. Phil Lanoue says:

    Very pleasant and entertaining post, I enjoyed it very much!

  2. Kathy says:

    Oh come on, Robin, PLEASE become peculiar!! Happiest of birthdays, my dear friend!

    • Robin says:

      LOL!! I had to answer this comment right away because the word peculiar has been making me laugh. And laugh. And I laughed some more after scrolling through this post when I realized almost all the images are not so much peculiar as they are pointing or somehow drawing the eye upwards. Even the frog seems to be looking up. How peculiar. Or maybe it’s just me, feeling peculiar on my 54th birthday.

      Thank you, Kathy, for the laughs, the fun, and the for being a very dear catalyst friend. You have created quite a few sparks in my life.

  3. Happy birthday again, Robin! I hope you had a wonderful day. Your pictures today are beautiful, and I think I will send on to my son the description of those born on December 7, the Day of Idiosyncrasy: different or peculiar or just plain weird. I like it, and it definitely applies to him. 🙂

    The winterberries, palm fronds, and the sculptures are beautiful. Happy, happy day! 🙂

  4. Amy says:

    Beautiful photos! Love the even rainy days… Have a great weekend!

  5. artsifrtsy says:

    Happy Birthday – I love shooting right after rain – nice set

  6. Happy B-Day, my friend!
    Love that frog – Angel is obessed with them. All I could think of when I saw him was how she might react!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. mobius faith says:

    These leave me speechless – that’s all I got!

  8. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being a tad “weird.” It makes you unique! Like all the garden art.

  9. dadirri7 says:

    of course you are odd, what a delightful way to be!!! love your red berries ….

  10. Karma says:

    Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I know what you mean about the obligatory flower shots. As much as I love to take them, I do start to wonder what the heck I’d do with them after a bit. They just sit here, taking up space on my hard drive. What gorgeous color you’ve shared! The shot of red with the black and white background is beautiful (another technique I’ve been meaning to try but never get around to teaching myself to do it). I love the sculpture in the creek and the winterberries too.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Karma. 🙂

      One of these days I’m going to be ruthless and go through all the flower images and start culling them. I honestly don’t think I’m going to do anything more with them. If I liked it enough to print it, it’s been done. Otherwise, as you mentioned, they just sit there, taking up space on my hard drive.

  11. Sallyann says:

    Belated happy birthday from someone who is normal but is a little concerned that everybody else is weird. 😀

  12. Dana says:

    Happy belated birthday, Robin! December 7th is an auspicious day in my life, so I’m happy to hear that your birthday falls on this day. 🙂 I hope you had a great day and that the year ahead brings you good health and joy.

  13. Being peculiar is more fun than being “normal”! 😉 I hope you had a wonderful birthday!! 🙂

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