Scattered thunderstorms

Summer is paying an early visit to the Bogs.  The heat has been building along with the clouds.  I expect those clouds to burst any moment, the way they did in the early morning hours, waking us with thunder, lightning, and surges of heavy rain hitting the house.  Between the heat and the humidity, it does not feel spring-like at all.

Changes are happening quickly outside.  The daffodils which showed no sign of buds yesterday look almost ready to burst into flower today.

It looks like we may have an early and long growing season this year.  I’m wondering if it’s too late for the broccoli we started indoors, if it’s going to be too warm, too soon.

The orchids in this post are, of course, from the Orchid Mania exhibit at the Cleveland Botanical Garden.  While Ohio does have native orchids, I have never seen one and wouldn’t know where to find them.  That would be worth looking into sometime in the future.  It’s entirely possible that orchids live in places where M and I hike, and I’ve never noticed them.

When we look deeply into the heart of a flower, we see clouds, sunshine, minerals, time, the earth, and everything else in the cosmos in it.  Without clouds there could be no rain, and without rain there would be no flower.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

I am mostly wordless once again when it comes to blog posts.  I’m thinking about taking an at-home retreat for three, four, or however many days it takes to explore this need for silence.

Sunlight in the Costa Rica greenhouse garden. Cleveland Botanical Garden.

Next week would be a good time for a retreat.  We don’t have too much going on.  M will be busy with work, and I can use that quiet time to chop wood and carry water, almost in a literal sense.  There is meditation to be found in chores and repetitious work.

Today's view of the woods to the east.

I went out to take a few photos of the storm clouds, and to show you some of the neighborhood, when I noticed how much the tree auras resemble the colors we saw in the late autumn months.  I love the way nature cycles through common themes.

McMansions and storm clouds

A couple of posts back I mentioned that we are not as isolated as it might appear from most of my photos taken around the pond.  This is part of the neighborhood to the south and east of us.  It used to be farmland.  The farmer stopped farming, broke up the land into parcels, and now it is developed land.  The house in the foreground was not there when we bought our home and property.  Neither were the two houses at the end.  Just the big brick mansion (housing two people).  The pine trees you see in the foreground were planted by us a few years ago.

Well, that’s about it from the Bogs for today.  Thank you for visiting.  A quick look at the radar shows most of the storms are south and east of us now, but there are a few, small, pop-up thunderstorms scattered about.  We might get some rain out of it, but I won’t mind if we don’t.  Things are soggy enough out there.

32 Comments on “Scattered thunderstorms”

  1. milkayphoto says:

    A beautiful neighborhood, Robin. But, I imagine it was even more beautiful when you first moved in. All that land, all that open-ness. It is too bad the farmer had to sell and divide. As I look outside my office window, onto a rather busy street (thank goodness we have a large backyard where we can pretend we live in the country), I sometimes long for acres and acres of land….

    • Robin says:

      All that mowing, Tracy! None of the neighbors have planted trees or gardens. They obsessively mow, almost every day of the week, to keep up with all that grass.

      The funny thing is how closed in we felt after the other houses were built. They are a long walk from here, but they often feel like they loom over us. Planting the trees helped as it provided us with a bit of privacy, closing things in around the pond.

  2. Love that light in the greenhouse garden… What a beautiful area you live in Robin..

  3. niasunset says:

    WOW! They are so beautiful flowers… But dear Robin last 2 fascinated me so much… You are amazing. Thank you, I hope everything is fine there, no storm… With my love, nia

  4. The orchids are gorgeous, Robin.

    Our own storm clouds have just burst here in the past few minutes. It’s been almost hot and humid all day. Strange, strange “spring,” isn’t it? Stay dry, my friend.


  5. You have several native orchids in Ohio including pink, yellow, and white lady’s slippers. They normally bloom from mid May through mid June but with the strange weather and early warmth, they could bloom earlier this year.

  6. I’ve never seen such pretty orchids! It’s warm and windy here and definitely feels like spring, but I can’t let my guard down.. it could snow again so easily here! Seems so many are taking a little blogging break.. enjoy your rest!

  7. Sallyann says:

    Beautiful orchid pictures again. 🙂
    It was strange to see the houses bordering on your little world, I’ve never thought to imagine further than the walks around the pond. 🙂

  8. TBM says:

    Lovely flowers

  9. Marianne says:

    Hi Robin,

    Once again, the flowers are lovely. We should see blossoming activity soon as the temps have warmed up. I know what you mean when it comes to developments on farm land. The little town I live in has exploded with numerous housing developments on what was open space. While it might be good for area businesses, I’m afraid New Hamburg, Ontario is moving away from being a little town. In fact, it’s happening in most of the towns surrounding as well. Drats!

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Marianne. 🙂

      Urban sprawl seems to be something we can’t stop. It’s a bit like my weeds in the garden, always getting ahead.

  10. ~mimo~ says:

    Beautiful! The shot with the trees in fall colors took my breath away!

  11. skip704 says:

    Your orchid pictures are wonderful, but my favorite is today’s view of the woods. That would look lovely in a frame.

  12. cidnlars says:

    Beautiful flower shots!!

  13. Chloe says:

    i really love that first photograph, the lighting its stunning

  14. jeanne says:

    I love the storm clouds…we are expecting 30-40mph winds and drenching rains over the next couple of days. I hope to spend a little time wrapped up in a blanket on the porch during one of the downpours! Now that’s my idea of quiet time.

  15. […] Scattered thunderstorms ( […]

  16. eof737 says:

    The orchids are stunning! 😉

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