If the rain turned to snow…

It might look like this.

Or this.

Or, well… you get the idea.

It rained heavily overnight and throughout the day.  If it had been snow, it would probably be over my head by now.  The puddles are ponds and the ponds are lakes and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the lakes were to become seas.  It’s difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins.  It’s all water out there.

The snow photos for this post are from the hike to The Blue Wall that M and I took in January.    It was a minus 7 degree morning, and watching the sunrise from the cold, snowy woods is something I’ll never forget.  If interested, the posts with photos from that hike can be found here, here, and here.

I took some photos of the rain today, but they are all so dreary.  Even the ducks swimming on the pond don’t look too happy.

Water, water, everywhere...

That’s it from the Bogs on this rainy day.  Thanks for visiting.  It’s a good day to stay indoors and read a good book, or break out a board game and have some fun.  But if you really want to go for a walk around the pond, I’ll loan you M’s waders (hip boots).  You’re gonna need them.

The cats believe rainy days are for snuggling up in a warm spot and taking long naps.

P.S.  I drafted this post earlier today, figuring I’d have nothing else to post about except the weather.  Then I was surprised with an invitation to go hiking this afternoon.  Since I don’t have time to sort through the photos right now, I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to tell you all about it.  In the meantime, I’ll leave you with one photo from this afternoon’s wet and muddy hike.

28 Comments on “If the rain turned to snow…”

  1. tedgriffith says:

    The cat has the right idea!! Those snow scenes are beautiful! 🙂

  2. The words are as good as the pictures. I like the images this brings: ” The puddles are ponds and the ponds are lakes and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the lakes were to become seas.” Nice post.

  3. Gracie says:

    Lucky cat! We had freezing rain here today, and boy it was hard just crossing the street. I think I would prefer snow than the freezing rain specially if it looks as good as your photos.

  4. Bo Mackison says:

    Sweet kitties. Sure do miss my black cat Jazz. Hope your hiking adventure was fun — and dry!

  5. Kel says:

    looks like we’re in for a rainy xmas here too
    which means the hot gets hotter and more humid

    may the snow come soon

    • Robin says:

      Sorry to hear that, Kel. I know you’re like me in that you don’t like the heat and humidity. I hope a cool, dry wind blows your way soon.

  6. Chloe says:

    magical snow photos

  7. aFrankAngle says:

    Oh how I miss my daily treks here for my peace and serenity. Very nice. Between the work treadmill and other demands of the season, my blog trekking has been at tarpit speed – and that’s not fun.

  8. ladyfi says:

    Hope you soon get snow! Wonderful shots, as always.

  9. Thanks for sharing the snow photos, Robin. Your cat has the right idea. Merry Christmas, my friend.

  10. Ellen says:

    Beautiful pictures!!!!

  11. Aww, I was hoping you really did get snow. But there’s still time for a white Christmas! *Crossing my fingers*

  12. Love the photos, as always, but always love your Daily Quote as well!

  13. Hallysann says:

    Hey, I’m with the cat … save me a spot. 🙂

  14. jane tims says:

    Hi. I love the blue of the shadows.. the kitty asleep is a nice addition to the suite of photos! jane

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