Let’s walk!

Or jog, or run, or skate, or bike, or whatever it is you decided to do.  This is the week for the group walk.  Pick any day from the 8th (today) through the 14th (Sunday), get out there, do something, and then blog about it.  Paint a picture of your walk/ride with images or words or however you want to do it.  Come back and leave a link in the comments on this post, (which happens to be this very post), and I’ll include you in a wrap up of all the walks next week.

Early morning walk

The rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and the passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through a series of thoughts.  This creates an odd consonance between internal and external passage, one that suggest that the mind is also a landscape of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it.  A new thought often seems like a feature of the landscape that was there all along, as though thinking were traveling rather than making.

~ Rebecca Solnit

I’ll be taking a long hike later in the week.  In the meantime, I’m still taking my daily walks around the pond.  I went out early this morning, just before sunrise.  The ground was crunchy with frost and leaves.  It was our first frost of the season.

Fog was materializing over the surface of the pond, circling around and then pouring out into the woods and meadows as the sun came up somewhere across the street.

The fog always starts out low, just a few inches above the water, and then lifts.  Clouds returning to the sky.

Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn — that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness — that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.

~ Jane Austen, Persuasion

It’s almost the end of the garden season for us.  Everything that should and could be harvested was picked yesterday.  The green tomatoes will have to ripen in the house (although I do have a recipe for a Moroccan Vegetable Stew that calls for green tomatoes so I will use some in that).  We canned a half bushel of the ripe variety over the weekend.  There’s a pile of jalapenos to be pickled, but most of the peppers have been chopped and frozen.

The lettuce abundantly growing in the greenhouse-shed will probably be okay for a few more weeks.  Salads have become a regular staple around here.  Hot, warming, comforting soups are showing up on the menu now too.  I made a roasted garlic and butternut soup for dinner on Saturday.  Super yummy.  The surprise (volunteer) butternut squash that came up in the garden was generous.  They have all been harvested, and I’m looking forward to more butternut squash dishes, soups, and stews.

I roasted a beautiful head of cauliflower yesterday.  It was so delicious that M and I ate quite a bit of it while we were taste-testing.  Just a drizzle of good olive oil, freshly ground sea salt, and freshly ground pepper to flavor it.  The recipe mentions spritzing it with lemon juice, but it doesn’t need it.  It’s perfect as it is.  I’m going to roast some broccoli today.

There is a great comfort in growing your own food.  You are close to the soil.  You use the basic elements — water, sunlight, earth, air, and plants — for your work, your sustenance, and your pleasure.  You nurture your garden from seedlings to mature plants, tending, pruning, weeding.  Year after year, you see cycles come and go, from sprouting to harvest to withering, to seeding again.  You eat your plants to live.  You don’t mind and they don’t mind.  Some day, you will fall back to this earth, back into the sun-baked dirt, and you will become food for the plants.  It’s the way of all life, and it’s all very agreeable.

~ Deng Ming-Dao, 365 Tao:  Daily Meditations

That’s pretty much it from the Bogs for today.  Thank you for coming along on my daily ramble.  I know some of you were planning on walking today.  I hope it was a delightful experience, and that Mother Nature provided you with a few good surprises along the way.  And if you didn’t walk, I hope your day was delightful in other ways.

Walking… is how the body measures itself against the earth.

~ Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust:  A History of Walking

Cloud pillar

69 Comments on “Let’s walk!”

  1. I wish I had roasted cauliflower to eat with these pictures!

  2. Joanne says:

    My day is just beginning Robin, and has done so in the most delightful way by reading this! The photos are brilliant, I’ve enjoyed the quotes on walking and now I have a question ~ when you say you “roast” cauliflower and broccoli, do you mean you put it in the oven? When we roast something in Australia that is where it is cooked, but I have never heard of roasted cauliflower or broccoli. I’m wondering if “roasting” in the USA has a different meaning than here.

    Today I particularly liked the photo of the autumn leaves edged with frost and the photo directly below it, of the view across the pond took me by surprise. It looks as if the red in the centre is a burst of fire flames shooting out! But really, I loved everything today. Thank you. 🙂

    • Robin says:

      Good morning, Joanne! 🙂

      Yes, I do mean in the oven. I understand the question, though, as I know there are differences in our English. Roasted cauliflower and broccoli are really delicious, and easy to make. There are tons of recipes on the internet, but I like mine with olive oil, sea salt, and freshly ground pepper. Sometimes I’ll drizzle some lemon juice on the broccoli and/or a little grated Parmesan cheese. With cauliflower, I just cut it in half (top to bottom), remove the core and leaves, then slice it the way I would slice bread. It’s a little messy and some pieces will fall off. That’s okay. Just put it all on a foil lined baking (cookie) sheet. Drizzle with olive oil. I use my hands to toss it around so that each piece is oiled. Then sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bake at 400 degrees (F) for about 30 minutes.

  3. Ron Dubin says:

    Beautiful images Robin, especially since there’s no real fall here… 😉

  4. Gosh, that roasted califlower sounds yummy to me, as well. And the the fall photos are lovely, my friend.

  5. Phil Lanoue says:

    Super series!
    Fifth pic down particularly is a stunner Robin!

  6. artsifrtsy says:

    Wow – love these shots – great set!

  7. Lovely, lovely!! I will probably walk, thank you!! I hope I don’t forget to photograph my walk for you!! Remind me, Robin:D What a great idea!!

  8. you are getting some great color!

  9. dadirri7 says:

    oooh, crunchy frost, makes me smile to realise everything exists at once, in the same time, since we have been experiencing spring with cool breezes, rain showers (so very welcome) and warm sunny days in the few days we have been home again …. and yes, a walk would be perfect, but it might not be a very long one this week 🙂

    • Robin says:

      I know what you mean, Christine. I think of that, too, while visiting you and Joanne, and hearing about spring in your part of the world. It really does all exist at once, doesn’t it? Amazing. 😀

  10. aFrankAngle says:

    Your words surrounding the pictures always capture my attention. You have a wonderful gift!

    Roasted cauliflower? We love it!!! Meanwhile, here’s a fall/winter soup for you that is one of our favorites! http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/rachael-ray/ribollita-con-verdure-recipe/index.html

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Frank. 🙂

      The soup sounds wonderful. I’ll have to adjust some of it (to make it vegetarian). Then again, perhaps I’ll make it as is now that my commitment is over. Bacon is one of those foods I really miss, and there is no substitute for it.

      • aFrankAngle says:

        No problem without the bacon as we have done that too … and there is a lot of flexibility with it too. Enjoy!

  11. mobius faith says:

    Mmmmm mmmmm good breakfast cereal – crunchy frost. Fab misty images.

  12. Wow…frost already…
    Perfect weather for squash. Or soup. Or…
    Gotta go. Kitchen is calling 😀

  13. What a cool concept, Robin! I have a couple of planed photo “drives” this weekend. I hope that qualifies as the autumn colors are approaching peak in central New York.

  14. […] “Let’s Walk” with Robin and some other blogging […]

  15. Sallyann says:

    Hi there, thanks for the walking invite, this isn’t quite the walk I had in mind originally, but it’s a bit of a different twist on a walk I do often. Hope you enjoy it. (and hope the link works) …

    Walking home

  16. Wow!! These are beautiful, Robin. I especially like the frost on the leaves.

  17. jane tims says:

    Hi. I like the ‘cloud pillar’. I used to like to watch the mists float up from our pond at home. Jane

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Jane. 🙂

      That’s one of the things I enjoy about this time of year — watching the fog form over the surface of the pond. It makes all kinds of interesting shapes.

  18. […]  Don’t forget the group walk.  Leave a link here when you have your blog post ready.  If you need extra time, let me know.  I’ll be glad to […]

  19. […] Let’s walk! (bogsofohio.wordpress.com) […]

  20. Karma says:

    I did take my walk on Monday, but I don’t know how happy I am with the photos. I have to take a good look. The days was unfortunately overcast. We’re supposed to have lots of sunshine today – though it is quite cool right now, we had our first hard frost last night – and I might try to take another walk. We shall see! How long do you think you’ll leave this open for links?

  21. Bo Mackison says:

    I think I got my walk in just under the gun. But it was a lovely respite from a week of printing and figuring out packing and travel plans. Thanks for the encouragement to get out there and see the autumn colors!


  22. dearrosie says:

    While I’ve never roasted many different vegetables I’ve never roasted cauliflower. I don’t like it boiled – I’m sure roasting improves the flavor. Going to try it.

    Went on the walk today. Thank you, it was really lovely. Have to work tomorrow, but will try send in my contribution tomorrow evening or Monday.

  23. […] Back in the summertime, Robin of Life in the Bogs announced plans for taking a really long walk.  I think at the time she was blogging about pilgrimages and her admiration for folks who do them.  Robin’s plans for her walk,  while maybe not completely a pilgrimage-length walk, but a good long walk, blossomed into the idea for a blog-along style walk in which bloggers were invited to make a jaunt of their own, photograph it, blog it and link it to Robin’s post. […]

  24. […] at Life in the Bogs posted a challenge early in the week, to go for a walk with your camera, and document it.  Sounds […]

  25. I actually had a half an hour tonight to write the post! Woo-hoo!! 😀


  26. […] 14th.  Bloggers would then post their thoughts and photos from their walk and share the link here: Let’s Walk. Robin was kind enough to allow for not just walking but biking, driving and other kinds of […]

  27. Here’s my photo journey: Apple Drive

    There was plenty of walking involved at each stop. 🙂

  28. What a delight to walk through your woods with you, Robin ! Your pictures – more like paintings – are exquisite and and I like the quotes you added, particularly the Tao Daily Meditation. A truly magnificent post, thank you.

  29. […] you to everyone who joined in the group walk.  I haven’t had a chance to join you all on your walks yet, having just arrived home a […]

  30. […] all to join her on a walk or hike during the week of October 8 – 14. This post is part of “Let’s Walk”.   View of the valley at the end of the […]

  31. […] bloggers to take walks or hikes last week and then to create posts about them….our very own “group walk.”  I HAD planned to take 3 LONG hikes, but ended up taking 2 shorter hikes….but both were […]

  32. whoops…. the former school teacher didn’t follow directions…I left link on another of your posts… is this the correct one????…. I’m lost! 😀 http://pocketperspectives.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/a-group-walk-from-the-redwood-forests-to-the-sf-bay-waters-my-little-corner-of-the-world/

  33. Dana says:

    I *love* that frosty leaf photo, Robin! It might be a contender for this year’s Christmas cards. 🙂

  34. […]  (And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, see this post on my old blog.  Or this post.)  We’ll do it sometime in October (which is why it’s called Walktober) provided […]

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