Sitting under a cherry tree

Under a cherry tree

And as you sit on the hillside, or lie prone under the trees of the forest, or sprawl wet-legged on the shingly beach of a mountain stream, the great door, that does not look like a door, opens.

~ Stephen Graham

I’m going to have to put a moratorium on taking new photos for a few days.  I still haven’t finished going through the orchid photos or all the pictures I took at Lake View Cemetery.  Add to that photos from various hikes, and I am way behind.

Some of today’s photos, by the way, are from Lake View Cemetery.  I want to get a few posted before the trees are completely finished blossoming this season.

Before the moratorium begins (if it begins), I did go out this morning to see what’s happening around the pond and in the woods.

The daffodils in the woods are peaking and looking very pretty in the early morning sunlight.

The apple trees are just beginning to blossom.

Samaras or maple keys are hanging from the maple trees.

And the woods are starting to green.  I suspect we’ll be having another visit from the Green Man soon.

I reckon that’s it from the Bogs for today.  Thank you for joining me on my morning walk.  It’s been a beautiful day, sunny with a high in the mid-50s.  It looks like we’re going to have a pretty sunset this evening.  Let’s go out and sit on the deck, and watch as the sun sinks below the trees in the woods.

Today's view of the creek in the woods.

25 Comments on “Sitting under a cherry tree”

  1. Karma says:

    I’d love to sit under that cherry tree – as long as the bees won’t bother us! You are taking a lot of the pictures that I’m still hoping to have the chance to take. Very pretty.

  2. dadirri7 says:

    absolutely incredible! yes i would love to sit there too, thanks so much robin, wonderful images so clear i can hear the bees in blossom 🙂

  3. niasunset says:

    Beautiful so beautiful… There is special touches in all of them… Like a heaven… Thank you dear Robin, with my love, nia

  4. Very pretty, soft image. Thank you for sharing with us!

  5. OMG, Robin, that cherry tree is one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in a while! Stunning!

  6. Gorgeous as always.. a moratorium?? I will believe it when I see.. I bet you’ll just sneak out with your camera anyway:)

  7. That 4th one has a future – greeting card?
    The 1st one reminds me of looking through old lace curtains just before dawn when I was little visiting relatives in the country
    As usual, great shots

  8. cidnlars says:

    Love that top shot, from under the tree. The light filtering through is just perfect!

  9. Navin Harish says:

    Very nice shot. I like how you have used light here

  10. It looks so nice and spring-y…seems like such a long time since the trees here were in bloom.
    And those aren’t samaras/mable keys, they’re helicopters! 😉

  11. aFrankAngle says:

    Love the opening pic … and then the woods. Ahhhh ….

  12. giselzitrone says:

    Wunderschöne Bilder.Grüsse lieb und wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Osterfest und schöne Tage Gruss Gislinde

  13. ladyfi says:

    Glorious, just glorious!

  14. Fantastic, Robin! What great atmosphere in these shots 🙂

  15. Gilraen says:

    Love love love the cherry tree. It is kind of a spring explosion captured in a picture

  16. I swear, beauty just seems to follow you everywhere! I think I need to go on one of your hikes so it can follow me for a day as well!

  17. jeanne says:

    That has to be the prettiest tree I have ever seen.

  18. First one is SO cool! Looks so diffused.

  19. Dana says:

    Two of my favourite things about living in Victoria: cherry trees and magnolia trees. Thank you for including gorgeous photos of both in today’s post! 🙂

  20. Joanne says:

    Your camera, along with your photographers eye, must be in Seventh Heaven right now! Everywhere you look, there must be beauty! And that cherry tree….words cannot do it justice. *sigh* 🙂

  21. jane tims says:

    Hi. You are so far ahead of us. We have the maple blooms just beginning and there you are with maple keys! Jane

  22. Robin says:

    Thank you so much everyone. I’m glad you enjoyed your time under the cherry tree and exploring some of the other spring blossoms. 🙂

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