

Grant me the ability to be alone; may it be my way every day
to go outdoors among the trees and grasses,
among all growing things, and there may I be alone,
to talk with the one that I belong to.

~ Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav

This week’s Weekly Photo Challenge from The Daily Post is Solitary.  Last week I had the opportunity to do something I rarely do.  I went for a bike ride on my own.

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad. Boston Mill Depot.

I went with two other people, and we did the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Bike Aboard thing.  I road the train as far as Botzum (again), and the other folks with me went on to the Akron Northside stop (about 6.5 miles farther on).  Since I like to stop to take photos, we figured they’d catch up with me fairly quickly.

Admiring change

As it turns out, they did not.  I had plenty of time out on the Towpath Trail on my own.  I saw very few other people while I was out there.  The occasional jogger, hiker, or cyclist, usually going the other way.  Most of the time I had the trail to myself.

As much as I enjoy the company of others, especially those I boarded the train with and planned to ride with later, it was wonderful being out on my own.  I could take my time, stopping whenever I liked, without having to rush through the ride.  Serious cyclists don’t always appreciate my stop and go approach or slower pace.

I understand why.  They ride to exercise, to train, and to accumulate mileage.

I ride for the same reasons I hike.  I want to enjoy the moment, the movement, the scenery, the day itself.  I don’t worry too much about mileage except when it comes time to get where I set out to go.  Left to my own devices, I might wander forever savoring the movement, the scenery, and the day.

My companions on this trip (unintentionally) gifted me with an hour or so for my mostly solitary ride.  By the time they caught up with me, we only had about four miles or so to our destination.

That gave me plenty of time to stop and admire the flowers, the light on the trail, and the changing colors of the foliage.

Being solitary is being alone well: being alone luxuriously immersed in doings of your own choice, aware of the fullness of your own presence rather than the absence of others.

~ Alice Koller

Only when one is connected to one’s own core is one connected to others I am beginning to discover.  And, for me, the core, the inner spring, can best be refound through solitude.

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

That should do it from me and from the Bogs for today.  Thank you for coming along on my brief, almost solitary, journey on the Towpath Trail.

As for here in the Bogs, Autumn has treated us to another gorgeous day.  Morning was clear and sunny.  Clouds moved in during the afternoon, with rain expected to follow.  We could use a bit more of the wet stuff so I’m not complaining.  There are umbrellas available if you want to take a walk, or you can relax on the porch which is sheltered and a great place to watch the rain.

Have a delightful day, evening, or night… wherever and whenever you are on the spectrum of time.

This morning’s view of the pond

45 Comments on “Solitary”

  1. […] Life in the Bogs Share this:PrintEmailMoreDiggShare on Tumblr Pin ItLike this:Like126 bloggers like this. This entry was posted in Nature, Photography and tagged Birds, Canada Geese, Photography, postaday, postaweek, postaweek2012, Solitary, Weekly Photo Challenge. Bookmark the permalink. ← Travel Theme: White Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitary, Take Two → […]

  2. Kathy says:

    A solitary savoring of the moment…and then you shared it with us. How beautiful, Robin.

  3. I love a picture with a bike. I don’t know how you do it but I am drawn to the softness of your pictures.

  4. Karma says:

    I’d love a solitary moment. I need to make the time for some. I’m hoping to do just that when it is time for the blog-walk-along thing. Have you set a date for that? I hope I didn’t miss your post if you did.

    • Robin says:

      I did set a date, Karma. It’s on this post:

      Monday meditation

      But I’ll save you the trouble of looking cos I know you’re busy this time of year. I picked the week of October 8-14. Pick any day within that week and go for it. I’ll post a reminder soon, as well as a post on the 8th for people to leave a link so I can do a wrap up similar to what you do for your photo hunts.

  5. I, too, love seeing the bike photo. Chatter Master/Colleen has gotten Sara and me riding again. Gorgeous photos, my friend.

  6. I am enjoying the tranquility of these solitary photo’s. They are perfect for the challenge. I really like the one with the bicycle. It looks like it was posing for the pix.
    Great ….!!!!
    Thanks for the pingback. It is greatly appreciated. ~~~~ : – )

  7. Amy says:

    Too beautiful, the trees, trail, bike, lake… Thank you for sharing!

  8. bluebrightly says:

    I am so with you on the stop and go method of biking, hiking or whatever – no reason to let the goal define the present moment – just let the present define itself, and stay in it long enough to get a feeling of what it is. Very pretty photos! I especially like the first, second, fourth & second to last.

  9. artsifrtsy says:

    Really lovely set. I love your country roads.

  10. ehpem says:

    Beautiful golden light! I would have led with that first picture too – awesome shot 🙂

  11. mindomin says:

    That’s a beautiful solitary story, a slightly different interpretation than many other have done. Sounds like you had great day, perfect that the other caught up with you before the end.

  12. David Hall says:

    Wow…that first photo is beautiful. Perfect lighting and wonderful colour. Love it.

  13. I’d give my left arm for a little solitude these days…Thanks for sharing yours in your photos.

    • Robin says:

      You’re welcome, Marie. Glad you enjoyed it. Better keep that left arm. You’ll need it for the garden and all the harvesting to come in the future, and most importantly, for hugging that Angel of yours. 🙂

  14. Photos are lovely as always! This is a beautiful time of year; thanks for sharing your solitary ride!

  15. aFrankAngle says:

    Your lighting on the path photos is perfect for the theme. 🙂

  16. Coming East says:

    Love the quotes that go along with your pictures, especially the first and last. I’m alone most of the time during the day, now that I’m retired, and I take walks all the time by myself, but I live in the city, so I don’t have the beautiful scenery you have. I do have the ocean, but there is not much variety. You live in such a beautiful area.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Susan. 🙂

      I’m alone most of the day, too, and my daily walks are usually taken by myself. This was my first time out on the bike by myself. It might have been my first time on the Towpath Trail by myself, come to think of it, whether walking or biking. I would love to have an ocean view. Being in the midwest now, I miss visiting the ocean and the beach. However, this is, as you pointed out, a beautiful area so it makes up for it somewhat.

  17. What a lovely poem – and wonderful solitary images!

  18. dearrosie says:

    I love the quote, I love the photo of the bike, I love the way you share the lovely scenery with us – so all in all I feel as though I went on the bike ride with you.

  19. ailsapm says:

    As there hasn’t been a new WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge so far this week, perhaps you’d like to join in the Weekly Travel Theme xxx Ailsa

  20. What a beautiful path! This is exactly the reason why I love to go out by myself (most of the time). I can wander wherever I want to, for however long I want to. I can choose to think, or just “feel”. No talking involved! 😉

  21. dadirri7 says:

    thank you for the bike ride robin, something i can only dream of here where there are no cycle paths …. it looks so peaceful and inviting 🙂

    • Robin says:

      You’re welcome, Christine. Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 We have drive a little ways to get to the bike paths around here, but it’s worth the trip.

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