Thursday Travels: Cape Breton sunrise

South Harbor sunset.  Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.  (7 June 2012)

South Harbor sunset. Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. (7 June 2012)

In the last edition of Thursday Travels, M and I had just arrived at the cabin we rented on South Harbor, not far from the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia.  We got there just in time for sunset although we didn’t see the sun itself.  Just a band of light on the horizon.

Inside the cabin

Inside the cabin

The cabin we rented is lovely.  It has two bedrooms and a good sized kitchen and bath as well as a cozy living area and a screened porch looking out over the harbor.  One of the owners of the cabin, Jean, stopped by to welcome us, show us around, and tell us a little about the area.  She recommended some sights to see, and also mentioned that we would be able to watch the sunrise from our bed if we happened to be awake between 4:00 and 4:30 am.  I made a point of being awake and this is what I saw:

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Who can stay in bed after seeing that?  Not me, that’s for sure.  I was up and outside in record time, in awe of the beauty of the sunrise and the setting.

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I think it was one of the longest sunrises I’ve ever witnessed.  Certainly one of the most beautiful.

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What breaks in daybreak?  Is it the night?  Is it the sun, cracked in two by the horizon like an egg, spilling out light?

~ Margaret Atwood

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Let every dawn of morning be to you as the beginning of life, and every setting sun be to you as its close.

~ John Ruskin, The Two Paths

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It was while I was standing there on a small patch of grass looking out over the harbor at this glorious sunrise that I began to yearn for the habit of rising early again.  (If interested, you can read about how I used to get up very early in this post which also explains what “MaidinSun” means.)

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That segues nicely into my small change for the month of January:  Early rising.  It hasn’t worked out as originally planned (which was to get up at 5:00 am every morning).  Instead, I decided to listen to my body.  I am up before sunrise, and that, I have discovered, was the whole point of the practice.  I wanted to be awake for the early morning colors in the sky.  I plan to continue this practice.  It’s a good way to ease into waking earlier and earlier as the days continue to grow longer.  Pure genius of my body to think of it.

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Our sunrises here in the Bogs may not be as spectacular as those on South Harbor, but they have their awesome, breathtaking moments of hue and light.

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Veil after veil of thin dusky gauze is lifted, and by degrees the forms and colors of things are restored to them, and we watch the dawn remaking the world in its antique pattern.

~ Oscar Wilde

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February’s small change will be relatively easy now that I’m up before dawn.  I want to reestablish a morning writing practice.

One of my sunrise companions on South Harbor

One of my sunrise companions on South Harbor

That’s it for this edition of Thursday Travels.  Thank you for joining me once again as I travel back to the Canadian Maritimes.  Our time in Nova Scotia was, for me, the highlight of the trip.  I look forward to sharing more with you as it gives me a chance to have another look at some of the beautiful scenery that the Cape Breton Highlands have to offer.

Snow on the kitchen window at sunrise

Snow on the kitchen window at sunrise

Here in the Bogs, for those inquiring minds that want to know, it is snowin’ and blowin’.  The gusty winds are causing the snowflakes to do a wild and energetic winter dance.  I don’t think the birds have much appreciation for it.  The poor things are being blown all over the place as they try to make their way to the feeders.  It’s a good day to stay indoors by the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate or hot tea, listening to the wind as it sings, and watching as the snow whirls and twirls outside the windows.

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Dancing snowflakes

Stay warm or stay cool, and have a delightful day, evening, night… wherever and whenever you are on the spectrum of time.  🙂

39 Comments on “Thursday Travels: Cape Breton sunrise”

  1. Joanne says:

    I think I could easily live permanently in that cosy little cabin in Nova Scotia, watching those sunrises each day. Spectacular! I wonder what the sunrises are like during winter, with the snow about. Keep warm, that hot chocolate beside the fireplace sounds like just the thing for your day today. 🙂

  2. Subhan Zein says:

    I love the first picture. And happy February to you 🙂

  3. Chloe says:

    beautiful captures Robin

  4. jane tims says:

    Hi. I love sunrises, but, for me, the best photo in this post is the image of the three clothespins on the line, in the snow. I also like the quote from Margaret Atwood… the sun as an egg… great metaphor. Jane

  5. Gorgeous world!

    I thought the ‘Snow On The Kitchen Window” was a drawing or painting! Loved it!

  6. seeker says:

    What a sight to see and one day, I would like to see what you saw. Thanks for sharing.

  7. The sunrises in Cape Breton are gorgeous. Sounds so cozy to sit by the fire with a hot chocolate!! I love winter and miss it so much!!

    • Robin says:

      If it’s any consolation, Cathy, today is one of those brutally frigid winter days when it’s hard to warm up. I almost envy the heat you have in Oman. Almost. 🙂

      • 🙂 Well, right now it’s not overwhelmingly hot; it’s actually quite lovely. So I guess I really shouldn’t be complaining about the heat. I just really miss FOUR seasons right now. It won’t be long before I’ll be home. 🙂

  8. Sallyann says:

    Beautiful sunsets, but I love the picture of the pegs on the line in the snow. 🙂

  9. That’s quite the sunrise! Makes it worth waking up so early, especially if you don’t even have to get out of bed! 🙂

  10. Amy says:

    Quite a beautiful gallery of sunrises. The blue sky is absolutely gorgeous!

  11. hannekekoop says:

    So lovely. I dreamed away in your beautiful sunrise.

  12. Xandi says:

    Great dreamy images, like them!!


  13. That first picture is a stunner. Sunrises and sunsets are so amazing – they happen every day – but each one is different. (That little furry guy sure looks like he’s having a serious conversation with you)

  14. Corina says:

    Add me to the list of those who could live in that cabin forever! I think I would love taking this trip but I don’t think I ever will get that opportunity. I am recommending it to some people who might just do it, and of course I will show them your photos and posts about the trip.

    I love your idea of getting up before the sun rises. I don’t get to see the sun rise from where I am…too many mountains. All I get to see is the sky getting a little lighter but no colors. 😦

    I’ve always been more of a sunset person. I think my attraction to the sun setting is that it’s a beautiful way to end the day and know that the next day you can start anew; regardless of what went wrong today, tomorrow we get another chance. Unfortunately, I don’t get to see sunsets, either. I have to find a place to drive to so I can see the sunset. That is one thing I dislike about Oregon: there is so much beauty to enjoy yet there is no where to pull over and enjoy it. You have to enjoy as the car moves. 😦

    • Robin says:

      I know what you mean, Corina. There are places we travel to regularly that have some amazing views, but no place to stop and look. Sometimes, if it’s early on a Sunday morning, we can pull over to look and/or take photos, but it’s not something I’d do during heavy traffic times.

  15. What a beautiful vacation spot! On days like today, I WISH I had a fireplace, I would keep it burning as long as I could, curled up with a blanket and a hot cup of anything! It’s bitter cold here today, so these lovely sunrise photos help me feel just a little bit warmer! 🙂

  16. I love the colors in these shots, they’re stunning, especially the blues in the first one. Was the sunset blue or did you get those colors in postprocessing?

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Belen. 🙂 The colors were blue that evening. I think one of the sunrises we saw was like that as well, but haven’t gotten around to going through them all yet.

  17. Sartenada says:

    How wonderful photos – I am speechless! The first photo is the best landscape photo which I have seen for a long time.

  18. […] Last week I showed you our first sunrise at the cabin we rented on South Harbor, just off the Cabot Trail in the Cape Breton Highlands of Nova Scotia.  This little red squirrel hung out with us whenever we were at the cabin.  It might have been our company, but I think the seed in the bird feeder was the bigger attraction. […]

  19. Dana says:

    We are enjoying some particularly spectacular sunrises and sunsets here in Arizona, too. The sky seems so much larger in the desert than it does on Vancouver Island, so there’s lots and lots to see whenever the sun is moving. 🙂

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