Frosty sunrise

Sunrise warming up the trees at the back of the pond

The ice sheet covering the pond was smooth as glass this morning.  I had a strong urge to step on to the ice and see how far I could glide across it.  Not far, I suspect.  The ice isn’t thick enough to hold a person, any person.  Even the animals must be unsure of it as I didn’t see any little paw or claw prints anywhere.

This time of year, the sun rises from behind the neighbor’s house across the street.  When it gets just above roof level, it shines on the trees at the back of the pond.  This morning the light was a blazing golden-orange.   Beautiful.  Or, as I called my small stone for today, Merely Magnificent.  The contradiction in terms showed up in my spam folder and I thought it described it well.

I went out to the meadows to admire the treasures of frost and sunlight that had been provided for us this morning.  The ground was crunchy with patches of leftover snow, ice, and a new sprinkling of frost.  (Note:  If you click on the photos, you will be able to see the frost better in the slightly larger versions.)

I recently posted this quote about winter:

The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination.

~ Terri Guillemets

I can’t be sure what the author meant, but to me the quote means that colors can be found anytime if you have the imagination to look for them.  I spent all of last winter looking for and finding color during the winter months so I know it’s out there even though most people tend to look at winter as colorless and drab.  Today I found color in the golden light of the sun pouring through the frosty meadows.

And it was…  merely magnificent.

Softly golden

Thanks for dropping by today and taking a walk through the meadows with me.  I hope you enjoyed the colors, flowers, and early morning light of winter as much as I did.

37 Comments on “Frosty sunrise”

  1. Ellen says:

    thank YOU for the walk!!!

  2. Well, it appears that you did find color: golds and yellows!

  3. Chloe says:

    these are stunning!

  4. maenamor says:

    Very jealous great photo’s

  5. Gosh, I love these, Robin. The third is my favorite!

  6. bearyweather says:

    Looks like you had fun with the lighting.
    If you have thin ice on your pond, you have to try making music. (remember? From my post “Rare and Exquisite Ice”) Toss some pebbles out there and listen to the sounds … I know you will love it.

    • Robin says:

      I do remember that, BearyWeather. I meant to try it the last time I was out there and got lost in the frost and light instead. Now it’s raining, the ice is melting, and I’ll have to wait a day or two. Snow will be arriving tonight.

  7. Dana says:

    Good call not wandering onto the ice… this post would have had a much different flavour otherwise! 🙂 I love these pics– so nice to see some golden tones in the winter months, too.

    • Robin says:

      lol, Dana! It wouldn’t be the first time I mis-stepped my way into the pond. In fact, I took the first (unintentional) swim when we moved here.

      Thanks. 🙂

  8. I looked out this afternoon and our cat, Sophie, was sitting on the ice in the middle of our pond. brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  9. Hallysann says:

    Lovely pictures, escpecially the first one.
    Thanks. 🙂

  10. Corina says:

    You’re right…we mostly think of winter as being white or thereabouts. It isn’t. It is filled with color! Thank you for showing us the color in your winter world, Robin!

    • Robin says:

      You’re welcome, Corina. And thank you for joining me. 🙂

      It’s usually seen as white and gray here, depending on the weather. We’re having a gray, rainy day today. Tomorrow it will be white with snow.

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  12. TBM says:

    I love winter morning walks. Thanks.

  13. Beautiful, Robin, love the golden glow over all those intricate details.

  14. The frost and snow are such a nice combination.
    It was below freezing here this morning, but no frost… and (of course!!) no snowflake in sight!

  15. Gracie says:

    Beautiful photos as always, Robin.

  16. cidnlars says:

    So nice and warm, just lovely!

  17. carlaat says:

    I like “merely magnificent” too. How many “merely magnificent” things is it possible to miss every day? We are surrounded by miracles! (And I’ve had a couple of glasses of champagne, so that helps, too!) 🙂

  18. nigel says:

    As always, great photographs. 🙂

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