Waves on the pond

Silk and sunlight

Silk and sunlight

Neither can the wave that has passed by be recalled, nor the hour which has passed return again.

~ Ovid

Mimicking moonlight

Mimicking moonlight

I’m never quite sure what will grab my attention when I go out for my walks around the pond, the meadows, or the woods.  Today it was the wind and milky sunlight on the surface of the pond.  It had a silky look to it that I love.  Surprising, really, when you consider how breezy it is.  The wind is moving at about 13 mph, and that’s usually quite enough to make the water choppy rather than silky.

Today's visitors

Today’s visitors

It’s a gray day here in the Bogs.  I’ve got a bit of a chill, and thought about making my way through the archives to some warm and sunnier days, and leaving the walk for another day.

January 2013 005a

It’s been so long since I didn’t go outside that I couldn’t bring myself to stay indoors.  It’s been about 2-1/4 years now, starting with the Great Outdoor Challenge in September of 2010.  Even when I was sick, I went out.  I’m not sick today, and really couldn’t think of a good excuse not to go.  Besides, someone had to have a talk with the geese and encourage them to settle elsewhere.

Wisteria in winter

Wisteria in winter

It’s shorter than usual, but that’s my walk for today.  There is snow in the forecast tonight.  It’s not supposed to amount to much.  I was surprised to find only a small patch of ice on the pond.  Yesterday it looked like this:

Yesterday's ice

Yesterday’s ice

And this:

January 2013 007a

Today the water is smooth and silky, waves undulating towards the shore.

A Zen moment

A Zen moment

Thank you for dropping in and joining me on a short walk.  Have a delightful day, evening, night… whenever and wherever you are on the spectrum of time.

House Finch

House Finch

(Did you know that the House Finch was once a bird of Mexico and the western United States?  In 1940, someone got the not-so-brilliant idea to try to sell them as cage birds, calling them “Hollywood Finches,” and transported them to the eastern United States.  When the birds didn’t sell, they were released on Long Island, New York.  They bred quickly and spread all across the United States and southern Canada.  Thank you to Cornell’s All About Birds for that snippet of information.)


32 Comments on “Waves on the pond”

  1. Joanne says:

    All of the photos today were a Zen moment for me Robin. I’m sure there isn’t a bad photo to be taken in the Bogs, (althought you would probably disagree, lol!) Thank you for the walk, but it’s time for you to stay warm indoors now. 🙂

  2. dadirri7 says:

    i agree about the zen moments! fascinating how the water freezes and thaws from day to day … what a visual treat 🙂

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Christine. 🙂 Sometimes it seems like time passes and there is very little change to be seen around the pond (it’s there; just not immediately evident). Other times, especially with a winter like this, the change is obvious not just from day to day, but often hour by hour.

  3. Corina says:

    Hi Robin. It’s nice to visit your blog again and take your daily walk with you. I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things in the blog world so you’ll be seeing more of me!

  4. Those top two pictures felt like silk on my eyes. 🙂

  5. Robin, thank you for stopping and liking a post today. Your photography is inspiring and the thoughtful choice of text, including quotes, adds a mindful quality to them. I look forward to enjoying more as I follow along.

    Take care,


  6. ‘Silk and Sunlight’ – what a perfect description.
    Stay warm!

  7. jane tims says:

    Those ice patterns are so interesting and beautiful. Hard to know they are so fleeting… if you hadn’t taken their photo, who would have ever seen them??? Jane

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Jane. I’m so glad I have the opportunity to observe (and record) the ice patterns. I took a whole series of shots. Hopefully I’ll get those posted soon. It’s amazing how many different patterns there were.

  8. Perfect pictures for contemplation today – thank you for heading outside even on an off day… I had no idea about the house finches. All these little acts, planting a species in new territories, are changing our world and will ultimately change us, too.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Barbara. 🙂 I ponder that too (“All these little acts, planting a species in new territories, are changing our world and will ultimately change us, too.”). We’re not the only species to do it. Birds and other animals carry seeds, and I’m sure that changes our world as well.

  9. Amy says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for the bird story!

  10. Jo Ann says:

    Wonderful pictures, as usual. I love all the quotes like the one about waves and time that go so well with the pond photos.

  11. The shot of the ice is fantastic, I’ve never seen anything like that in person.

  12. Sallyann says:

    What a difference a day makes. 🙂
    Yesterday the pond was a diamond cut doily and today it’s a silk scarf blowing in the breeze. 😀

  13. Coming East says:

    Great Ovid quote. How nice to find beauty in the dead of winter. Actually, why do they call it the dead of winter? Winter for you around your pond is hardly dead!

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Susan. 🙂 I’ve often wondered why they call it the dead of winter, too. It’s surprising how much life is out there, even in the ice and snow.

  14. Karma says:

    I wish I could find your inspiration for getting outside! Once January settles in, I find it so difficult. It has been so very gray and un-shiny lately. I love the house finch photo – and the story that goes with it – as well as the bluejay in your header!

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Karma. 🙂 Gray and un-shiny days are not very motivating for me, either. That’s why the outdoor challenge was such a good thing for me to do. Prior to that, if I didn’t like the weather, I didn’t go out. Even when I liked the weather I sometimes didn’t go out. Now that I know what I was missing, it’s easier, but I have to admit there are some days when I have to push myself out the door.

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