Summer in May

The mere thought of walking outdoors on a brilliant golden-blue day causes fire-works of delight to go off in most people’s psyche.  It gives one an instant feeling of happiness and that is meditation!  We are not only in touch, at that moment, with the physical splendour of nature, but also with the beauty of merging our own spiritual nature with it.

~ Karen Zebroff

No haze added.

It is warm, humid, and hazy here in the Bogs today.  More like August than May.  The weather forecast for today is “mixed clouds and sun with scattered thunderstorms.”  (Thank you,  It feels as though it might storm.  The air has an unstable quality to it, as if it’s ready to burst into millions of rain particles.  I added a haziness to the lead photo for this post to more accurately reflect what it looks and feels like outside.

Recent rains and warmth have turned everything so green and lush.  The meadows are filled with dandelions gone to seed, their little white puffy heads looking star-like against the background of the green, green grass.  A galaxy of globular seed heads glowing brightly in a sky of green.

All kinds of wildflowers are popping up.  Part of the woods is carpeted with newly sprouted jewelweed plants.  I found some white flowers in the woods that I’ve never seen before.  I’d show them to you, but the photos didn’t come out well.  White is not easy to photograph in the middle of a sunny day.

The black & white version.

I’ve been on the move for most of the day, and almost have my 5 miles in.  Wearing the pedometer is a good motivator.  I like watching the numbers go up.

The Green Man has been in the woods.

Well, I’ve got nothing new or exciting to chat about today.  Thanks for dropping by.  It’s a good day to sit on the deck, listen to the frogs (who seem unusually boisterous today), and sip on a cold drink.  Our local produce market had limes on sale, so I picked up more than a few while shopping this morning.  Perhaps some margaritas would be good.  I’m told my margaritas are tasty.  (I’ll probably have mine without the alcohol — which I guess makes it a limeade — because I sleep better if I don’t indulge, and I need a good night’s sleep tonight.)

Oh, and since I mentioned the frogs…

This big guy actually posed for me.  I usually can’t capture a frog from land (they hop in the water as soon as they see me approaching), but he didn’t seem to mind me taking a few photos of him.  Isn’t he handsome?

43 Comments on “Summer in May”

  1. Lovely…summer in Wisconsin today too. Ellen

  2. tedgriffith says:

    Cool frog! We only have toads where I live, a burrowing variety that only comes out at night.

  3. Great photos, Robin. What a great frog photo!

  4. Pat Bean says:

    Thanks for a walk in your woods.

  5. Fabulous frog guy. (can you keep an eye on those spikey iris looking thing by the stump in picture 6? Curious to see what the blooms look like) Thanks for the walk.

    • Robin says:

      You’re welcome, PhilosopherMouse. And thank you. 🙂

      I will keep an eye on the iris for you. I think it’s a water iris. They love boggy places (and that one is smack dab in the middle of a boggy place).

  6. mobius faith says:

    Princely frog. That dandelion image has me dancing in circles of pure elation.

  7. OMG–love the frog photo. What a cute little guy–or maybe he’s not so little!

  8. aFrankAngle says:

    No kidding … 3 inches of rain over two days and now July-type humidity! Nice frog. 🙂

  9. I love the frog and can’t believe he was nice enough to pose for you. Like you say, they usually hop into the water as soon as you approach. Sounds like a nice lazy day there on the pond!

  10. Love the “green man has been in the woods” photo – we moved suddenly from woods with a haze of green to full green in the past few days. And love the frog! They must make quite a chorus in summer 🙂

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Lynn. 🙂

      We have several types of frogs around the pond, including green frogs and bullfrogs. Their chorus is amazing, especially during mating season (which should be soon). And if the tree frogs join in, it’s really cool.

  11. The green of the woods is so beautiful….and your photo of that frog…wow!…what a pose!

  12. bearyweather says:

    Hopefully the rain this week will make my woods turn green like yours. I can hear the frogs, I never see them. I did see mosquitoes today … seems even late Spring snows don’t slow them down (darn it)!

    • Robin says:

      I’m not sure anything slows down the mosquitoes, Bearyweather. Or the deer flies. The mosquitoes got an early start here, around the beginning of March. I was hoping some of the cold nights we had in April would get rid of them. No such luck.

  13. Hmm.. maybe he’s the frog prince, who’ll grant one wish.. better locate him again:) Cloudy with rain here as well.. but your green is miles ahead of ours.. we haven’t seen many wildflowers or dandelions yet.. Have a wonderful day!

    • Robin says:

      Thanks, Smidge. 🙂

      I’m on my way out soon to look for him again. I’ll have to give that wish a lot of thought… 😉

  14. dragonfae says:

    What a great shot of the frog! Love it! 😀

  15. ladyfi says:

    Just lovely! Those hazy dandelions are magical.

  16. Chloe says:

    could you send some warmth & sun this way please, it’s so cold 😦
    ps/ beautiful photographs

  17. Back to Early Spring around here – chilly and wet. We need the rain, so I’m not going to gripe (too much).
    Love the hazy dandelions…I half expect faeries!

  18. Great shots. Love your dreamy dandelions.

  19. Karma says:

    I love that frog photo! I’m curious about the jewelweed you mentioned. I think I read somewhere recently that it attracts hummingbirds. Ever seen any around yours?

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Karma. 🙂

      I’ve heard the same thing about jewelweed and hummingbirds, but have not seen any evidence to back it up. However… and that’s a BIG however… we have a lot of jewelweed on the property and it’s bushy stuff. A hummingbird could easily get lost in it, and I’d never see it.

  20. Sallyann says:

    Love the frog … nice of him to pose for you 🙂

  21. That’s one handsome bullfrog 🙂 Fine photography as usual!

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