350: Cloudy with rainy spells

We had another bout of heavy rain in the wee hours of the morning, and then later this afternoon.  Remnants of Lee, I think.  But the rain we’ve received here in the Bogs is nothing compared to what they’re getting back east where they surely don’t need it.

Everything outside is soggy, boggy, and damp.  With the temperature hovering around 70, it feels pretty clammy.  I’d like to turn on the air conditioning or the heat to dry things out, but it’s neither hot enough nor cold enough to get either one of them to run for a decent amount of time without turning the house into a freezer or an oven.

The clouds have been heavy and thick during the day.  Around sunset they thin out a little, allowing us the occasional glimpse of blue sky or sunlight.

Traveling. Photo processed in Photoshop and Picnik to add light and cloud effects.

I went out for about an hour this morning, peering into the heavy growth of jewelweed, goldenrod, and whatever else is growing in the meadows.

A different perspective

The rain must have been pounding.  Some of the grasses and flowers in the meadows as well as some of the cattails were flattened.  The praying mantises seem to have survived it well.

Today I learned that Mantis was a character in African folklore who dreamed up solutions to his problems while he slept.  He was a Kalihari Bushman who had many adventures, and the stories about him are said to be similar to those of the coyote tales of the Plains Indians in the U.S.

According to Ted Andrews in his book Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small, Mantis’ ability to solve his problems through sleep and dreamtime epitomizes the keynote for the praying mantis which is the power of stillness:

Through learning to still the outer mind and go within, we can draw upon greater power — physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.  That stillness can be simple contemplation, a meditation, or even sleep and dreams.  The ancient mystics spoke of seven levels of silence that can be used by us, the first being simple contemplation and the last being death.  In between there are dimensions that can add tremendous power to our life.  This is part of what the praying mantis teaches.  It teaches how to still the outer, so that when it is time to act (in any form) it is done with surety, accuracy, and great power.

According to the latest predictions, the rain and cloudiness will be hanging around northeastern Ohio for at least a few more days.

The next sunny day in our forecast is Monday.

A tiny damselfly

For me that means I’ll be peering into the meadows a lot during my walks.  I did venture back into the woods this morning.  It was dark, damp, and a little bit unnerving, especially after I found a cache of bones that included two skulls.  I’m not sure if they were opossum or raccoon skulls.

I’ll tell you more about my trip into the woods tomorrow.  Unless something else even more interesting happens between now and then.

Thanks for dropping by and joining me on my walk today.  I hope your feet didn’t get as wet as mine did.  🙂

28 Comments on “350: Cloudy with rainy spells”

  1. Christina says:

    I love love love (!!) your mantis & dragonfly photos! The way you captured that first mantis as it takes on the purple tinge in it’s tail to blend in with the flowers is just stunning.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you so much, Christina. 🙂

      I was out today (as usual) and couldn’t believe how many praying mantises are out there in the meadows. It’s possible they are out there in droves every year, but since I didn’t go out to look everyday, I wouldn’t know.

  2. My feet are plenty soaked, now that you mention it…the rain gauge tops out at 5 inches, and it’s overflowing.
    Love the hovering bee near the jewelweed…

  3. I love the Ted Andrews quote about the praying mantis–how wonderful!

    The damp here in Kentucky has also been intense–misting for days. It reminds me of Hanoi in the winter, where it was so damp it took 5 days for laundry to dry, when hung indoors in an air conditioned room. Crazy damp!


    • Robin says:

      Crazy damp describes it really well, Kathy M. I’m trying to see it as a positive. I’m going to miss this humidity during the cold, dry days of winter when I feel like my skin is being mummified.

  4. Pat Bean says:

    Fantastic photos. Thanks for sharing

  5. Karma says:

    Even though we’ve had more than our share of rain around here recently, I do love your photos with the droplets on the blossoms. And the damselfly is gorgeous! Neat picture!

  6. I’m so jealous of all your pretty colors… those orange flowers in the first photo are especially pretty.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Michaela. 🙂

      In a few months all of our pretty colors here will be of the white and blue variety, with shades of gray in between, and it will be freezing. Perhaps by then you’ll have had some rain and colors will be popping up all over in your area.

  7. QuoinMonkey says:

    Stunning photographs. The first one I could stare at all day. And the Mantis. What strange and wild creatures they are. Thanks for the walk through your world.

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, QM.

      I’ve been spending a lot of time with the mantises lately. They look like little aliens, don’t they? Or how aliens have been pictured in our culture. What really brings on the strangeness for me is watching the way their heads turn. I read somewhere that they are the only insect that can turn their heads almost completely around.

  8. ElizOF says:

    Such gorgeous colors… TY! 🙂

  9. Kala says:

    I really love the first photo – what kind of flower is that?

  10. Marcie says:

    What beautiful images of the rain!! Yes – we’re had 3 days of torrential..soaking rain downpours. Today – they’re promising first signs of sun!!!

  11. penpusherpen says:

    Lovely, lovely info about the Praying Mantis, Robin, he does look so other-worldly and spiritual, and the Photo of the Damselfly was wonderful, such a colour and so, so tiny and delicate, makes you hold your breath at it’s ethereal beauty. … I thank you for your visit and comment on today of all days, and sending you {{{hugs}}} from across the water, and as usual your blog has given me so much to view and marvel at. Isn’t this World of Nature such a thing of utter enchantment? xPenx

  12. TBM says:

    Rain and flowers make some beautiful pictures. Thanks.

  13. Even when it rains you still manage to capture such wonderful colours and light… When it rains here, everything just turns grey !!… lol.. Gotta love those Praying Wotsits… 😉

    • Robin says:

      Thank you, Brian. 🙂

      Everything looks gray here, too, unless you start peering into the trees, grasses, and meadows. All the color is hiding in there.

  14. Christine Grote says:

    I wonder if I was a praying mantis in a previous life. My brain frequently solves problems while I sleep and I wake with a solution in my head.

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