Art Attack — Body wisdom

(Self-portrait #2)

The “Before” Me. Legs strong and straight. Broad-hipped, stocky, close to the earth. Spine stretched and reaching up towards the sky. Curvy, soft, a place for hugs. Relaxed. Fast walker/hiker with a little bounce in my step. Moving was so easy I took it for granted.

The “After” Me. Left leg filled with pain. Back crooked, hunched. Left hip shooting out to one side as if it’s not sure where it belongs. Afraid to move, to hug, to be hugged. Tension. Hobbling, limping, wary of sudden movements or anything that jars the body. Moving hurts so much I have to force myself to do it.

I’ve been spending time with the pain lately, trying to listen to it. I believe I’m beginning to understand what it’s trying to say to me and in this acknowledgement and understanding, I believe I’m beginning to heal. I’ve done what the doctor and physical therapist wanted me to do. Nothing worked. Now that I’m doing what my body wants me to do, there is less pain, less forcefulness to my movements, less tension, more healing.

My body, with its deep down wisdom, knows what to do. All I have to do is take the time to listen.

Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense. ~Henry Miller

3 Comments on “Art Attack — Body wisdom”

  1. Kel says:

    When I look at this photo I feel grounded.
    It takes strength to sit with pain or unpleasantness rather than trying to escape it. From what you’ve shared here I believe you are strong in spirit. That, in my opinion, is where it counts.
    The word that struck me was “force”. Possibly because it’s a word I’m learning about this year too. I wonder why so many of us feel we have to force things, rather than let things happen and be as they are.

  2. Norm says:

    I don’t know you well enough to think I may be able to make an appropriate comment, but it seems you are what my Lynda would call an ‘old soul’. High praise in her vernacular and of course it has nothing to do with chronological age. It has to do with having wisdom beyond one’s years and a calmness and unity about where you are in this life.
    Living with pain teaches some valuable lessons – tolerance, patience and the humility to work within new limitations. Yes, our tendency is to push ourselves; to use force as if by pushing to the limit we will heal faster and better. In some situations it pays to ease our way back to health and once there – go for the gusto again. Go slowly……..

  3. […] images.  Soulspace, the second Art Attack challenge I did, brought me back to words and images.  Body wisdom taught me a little about the pain I was […]

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